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MASS EFFECT 3: The Mass Erectest

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  • hahaha. I hate epic meal time but that guy was pretty funny.
    "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

    "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


    • Beardo the Microphone Clown's recovery was tragic.

      Don't you blame the booze, you fuck.
      Me quick one want slow


      • Originally posted by gravedigger View Post
        Gonna third the "EDI is worse than awful" opinion. Also, why did BioWare give her a camel toe?
        "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

        "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


        • Endgame stuff

          Also don't quote this post or the spoilers will be visible in your text box.
            Spoiler: I'll be vague on purpose in the first spoiler, but seriously this spoiler is about the endgame. 



            Spoiler: Double-wrapped for your protection. BIG MCLARGEHUGE SPOILERS AHEAD 
            Spoiler: Let's throw a third one on so you don't get Spoiler AIDS by accident 
            Spoiler: Seriously, FINAL MASS EFFECT 3 DECISION STUFF AHEAD 

          I CAN'T DECIDE
          Last edited by Master Shake; 03-11-2012, 02:20 PM.
          360: JohnnyChopsocky PSN: Stud_Beefpile


          • I'm liek 24 hours in, and while I dig the game there are a lot of issues with it. The best way I can put it is that there is some DA2 DNA spilled onto the disc. The fact that I am invested in Shepard's story is what is keeping me from just screaming at the tv. I'll not mention any names, but minor spoilers I guess if you're a spoiler-phobe.

            -The "oh hey fancy meeting you here" of what seems like every ME2 character that survives in your game. At one point a character even says OH FANCY MEETING YOU HERE and I had to laugh.

            -You meet all these damn ME2 characters and fucking nobody joins your cause even though the universe is about to get obliterated.

            -So few crew members to pick from, and 3 of them are the same class!

            -Random jank. I got a quest to rescue an alien's planet, but it never showed up on my map. I figured maybe I needed to unlock the system with another quest and ignored it. Next time I went to the Citadel I came across the alien again and he said "oh Shepard thanks for your help rescuing my home planet!" Um...what? That never happened. I also got a quest from a guy in the bank to find something on a planet, I did, I returned to the bank..and he's never shown back up. I did this like 15 hours ago and the guy has never shown up again for me to turn it in even though the map says he is there.

            -So many characters "sacrifice" themselves and the huge swooning music and slow mo says I should care and really appreciate this poignant moment, but after then 3rd or 4th person killing themself when they didn't really need to I just started laughing.

            -Lot's of minor details that previous Bioware games would have really paid attention to. Such as, the Citadel councilors don't have names. You talk to them, especially the Asari councilor, tons of times throughout the game, but they didn't bother give them a name. Yet the random team you meet on an N7 mission gets a captain with an actual name that you're even asked as a Spectre to endorse a commendation and give a promotion. You never see or speak to this captain again, but they are given special attention while the super important to the plot councilors are ignored.

            -The N7 missions are just the multiplayer maps. Disappointing.

            -SOOOOOOOO much time spent going through the same 4 locations on the Citadel. Not any better than the copy/paste areas from DA2.

            Call it nitpicking, but ME2 was in my opinion the best RPG since Morrowind, and one of the only RPGs to really pull me in with its story and have me immersed in what is going on. ME3 is a good game, but a big step down from ME2 for me personally. And it really sucks that Bioware lied their ass off about the From Ashes DLC and it's on the disc.


            • Nitpicking.
              Me quick one want slow


              • Haha, I haven't looked for me3 memes yet but I hope Shepard's reaction to EDI joking about the oxygen systems makes it into the lexicon.

                Had my first "huh, I actually have to think about this" decision tonight. Good stuff.
                Last edited by gravedigger; 03-11-2012, 10:33 PM.


                • I heard that the ending either SUXX ASSES or is great.

                  I'll eventually pick up the game, but I hope it's a good ending.


                  • I don't know what happens at the end, but I'm hearing all the endings are shit and then they tack on an insulting post credit BUY DLC thing.


                    • you gotta be kidding. DLC?

                      fuck that shit.


                      • The way I heard it described was "Buy your DLC and remember to drink your Ovaltine!" ending. I've got no issues with DLC, but considering the scope of the story it will be a huge pain in the ass to make it fit in and feel decent.


                        • If you really have to buy a DLC to have a decent ending, this whole thing will be an epic ripoff.


                          • RE: Rachni

                              Spoiler: spoilerrz 
                            Wtf Rachni Queen. Letting the Reapers fuck your shit up, again? I really hope giving you ANOTHER chance doesn't bite me in the ass. Also, fucking love Grunt's "I need some food" line after being a bad ass and making it out of the tunnels.

                            Tried some multiplayer as it helps the single player I guess. Not bad. Level up like 7 levels in one match. It's pretty fun but I was hoping you were fighting against other people and not just a horde mode. Oh well, it's neat and a nice break from saving the world.
                            "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                            "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                            • DLC won't affect the ending. I just read some stuff on the ending, I'll wait until I finish it myself before I say anything. It sounds like the DLC may start you on your last save and give more missions to do before the final one or something.


                              • *sniffsniff*


                                  Spoiler: spoilurz 
                                Wrex is my boy and I saved his entire species but MORDIN WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE?!?! NNOOOOOOOOOOOO

                                That was a hell of a mission.
                                "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                                "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson

