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Mad Mel

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Nathan View Post
    Even more audio. Put his ass on suicide watch.
    I finally listened to this, and Jesus CHRIST! Let me tell you something - as a woman, I can honestly say she needs to get every single bit of evidence on him she can, get it all on tape, move to the other side of the fucking world, go into the witness protection program, get reconstructive surgery, etc. I don't know that restraining orders will do it - that's the craziest and scariest rant I've ever heard.

    Also keep in mind - we got to hear some of Nicole Brown Simpson's 911 calls with O.J.yelling in the background, and even he didn't sound that scary. A guy who chopped up and nearly decapitated his ex-wife and killed another guy didn't sound as scary as Mel. If that rant was directed at me? I wouldn't sleep until I'd moved to another country.
    2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

    INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!


    • #92
      Mental note: Do NOT send Braveheart DVD Gift Pack to Lisa this Christmas....

      Yeah, I'm done with this guy - I'm not going to see any new films of his in the theatres. I'll wait 'til they hit cable, like I do with any other batshit nuts actor/actress. None of my money is going to 'em.
      Last edited by Timothy225; 07-14-2010, 06:22 PM.


      • #93
        Lisa, yes Mel sounds like a wack job. Mostly because he IS a wackjob but lets not start comparing him to O.J. I mean what's a few teeth getting knocked out compared to almost being beheaded? Also Mel sounds like he's on something which is NO EXCUSE but probably is helping to fuel his inherent craziness.

        Also and in all seriousness he sounds like someone who is in extreme need of professional mental help. I feel for this woman that she's going through all of this but what she needs to do at this point is cease all contact and go into hiding somewhere because all the calls and taping is going to make him even crazier.

        Also I'd hate for her to have to blow him while he burns the house down.
        "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


        • #94
          Originally posted by B_Metal View Post
          Lisa, yes Mel sounds like a wack job. Mostly because he IS a wackjob but lets not start comparing him to O.J. I mean what's a few teeth getting knocked out compared to almost being beheaded?
          I'm not trying to compare the two, but the knocked out teeth are a small step towards bigger and worse things, Josh. Do you think that when O.J. was bruising up Nicole and giving her black eyes that either one of them thought the whole thing would ultimately end one day with her stabbed a million times and almost decapitated? Mel knocked this girl's teeth out while she was holding their baby - and you heard the rant, do you think that he's sane enough to not take it another step or two further? That's how it escalates, so yeah, I don't think I'm too far off - after listening to that - in comparing him to O.J. Unless of course, she's smart and moves really, really far away.

          Again - you have to know what it's like as a woman to listen to that. I've luckily never been in an abusive relationship, but I know women who have. And as a woman, listening to that gives you a sick feeling in the bottom of your stomach that a guy can't really relate to.

          Drugs could be an issue, too, it's possible. But he's completely gone round the bend.
          Last edited by Lisa; 07-15-2010, 04:32 AM.
          2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

          INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!


          • #95
            Originally posted by Timothy225 View Post
            Yeah, I'm done with this guy - I'm not going to see any new films of his in the theatres. I'll wait 'til they hit cable, like I do with any other batshit nuts actor/actress. None of my money is going to 'em.
            I was pretty much done with him a few years ago after the anti-Semitic rant but yeah, this is ridiculous.

            I brought these tapes up with a couple of co-workers. Neither one had listened to any of them. My boss proceeds to tell me, "he's gonna be fine. He has so much money, he's just gonna make this disappear and go back to making movies. Did you see how much money that Jesus movie made? And that was all profit since no studios would have him. It was totally wrong of her to tape him. Totally illegal. He's gonna be fine."
            I don't give a shit how illegal it was or how much money he has, this is going to follow him for the rest of his life.
            Mortal Sin is a registered trademark of the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church. Hallelujah. ~Iggy


            • #96
              Originally posted by ingrid View Post
              I don't give a shit how illegal it was or how much money he has, this is going to follow him for the rest of his life.
              It's illegal if he doesn't know he was being taped, which of course, he probably didn't know. But you're very correct in that that's not the big issue - he's not gonna be fine. The point is that everyone now knows he's a violent, misogynistic, racist, crazy person. Your boss is totally grasping at straws to pick out, "Oh, it's illegal to tape him." It's also illegal to threaten and beat someone.
              2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

              INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!


              • #97
                Originally posted by LisaNY View Post

                Drugs could be an issue, too, it's possible.
                Mel only gets high on Jesus!


                • #98
                  Mel in The Shining

                  Mel and Pat O'Brian

                  Obviously NSFW
                  Touch it. Touch my fuzziness! It's like petting a kitten!
                  Now drop the pants and take the bacon!


                  • #99
                    The word coming down is that these recordings may have been altered/toyed with to make him look bad/make HER look good. There's little doubt that the recordings of Mel themselves are real, but there's a possibility that she may have been saying different things to 'egg him on' than what appears in the recordings.
                    Originally posted by Martin
                    Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
                    Originally posted by gravedigger
                    Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
                    Originally posted by Martin
                    And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
                    Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


                    • Originally posted by Matt View Post
                      The word coming down is that these recordings may have been altered/toyed with to make him look bad/make HER look good. There's little doubt that the recordings of Mel themselves are real, but there's a possibility that she may have been saying different things to 'egg him on' than what appears in the recordings.
                      That's what I mean. There's no context. He's just raving. There's more to this story.
                      Touch it. Touch my fuzziness! It's like petting a kitten!
                      Now drop the pants and take the bacon!
                      POUTINE AND CELINE DION FOR EVERYONE!!!!


                      • Originally posted by Nathan View Post
                        That's what I mean. There's no context. He's just raving. There's more to this story.
                        There HAS to be. I honestly can't believe that the minor things that she's saying in the recording are setting him off that badly. Also, HER voice is waaaaaaaay too clear compared to his.
                        Originally posted by Martin
                        Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
                        Originally posted by gravedigger
                        Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
                        Originally posted by Martin
                        And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
                        Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


                        • Originally posted by Matt View Post
                          There HAS to be. I honestly can't believe that the minor things that she's saying in the recording are setting him off that badly. Also, HER voice is waaaaaaaay too clear compared to his.
                          Yes. I mentioned the clarity of the whole thing earlier. One of several things that set off my bullshit detector. Something just stinks about the whole thing.
                          Touch it. Touch my fuzziness! It's like petting a kitten!
                          Now drop the pants and take the bacon!
                          POUTINE AND CELINE DION FOR EVERYONE!!!!


                          • Regardless of what she's saying, I'd argue that his response is probably still completely overblown and unwarranted. I'm definitely not even taking a step towards taking up ANY motherfucking slack for him, because men should immediately be better than that. I've been with women who tested my patience to its last end (READ: MY EX) and I never even entertained the idea of saying half of the vile bullshit he's spouted in these exchanges.
                            "Here, young man, your hormones are raging. Let's go in this bedroom, and we'll engage in some homosexual acts. You'll find you like it." - Rep. Ken Peterson, R-Billings

                            "You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one." - Don Draper

                            *RATED BEST POSTER OF 2011 - CHIPOTLE FAN FORUMS*~


                            • Originally posted by Vault Vanderhuge View Post
                              Regardless of what she's saying, I'd argue that his response is probably still completely overblown and unwarranted. I'm definitely not even taking a step towards taking up ANY motherfucking slack for him, because men should immediately be better than that. I've been with women who tested my patience to its last end (READ: MY EX) and I never even entertained the idea of saying half of the vile bullshit he's spouted in these exchanges.
                              No doubt, but things are not quite as they appear I think.
                              Touch it. Touch my fuzziness! It's like petting a kitten!
                              Now drop the pants and take the bacon!
                              POUTINE AND CELINE DION FOR EVERYONE!!!!


                              • Totally agreed, Jake...there's nothing that she COULD say that would warrant that kind of tirade, but I have little doubt that she said some bad things back at him to provoke his anger.
                                Originally posted by Martin
                                Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
                                Originally posted by gravedigger
                                Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
                                Originally posted by Martin
                                And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
                                Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?

