Saturday: nice relaxing day, got my car back from the shop for it's 3,000 mile check-up, nothing else going on, took the day to get all lazy and stuff. Jen went babysitting, I went to bed early.
Sunday: Got up early, hit the Columbus Flea Market with my best buddy and his dad. Got there before 8, stayed until quarter to 11. Got a good workout walking, but it got hot as fuck by 9. Skies looked like we were going to get drenched in a downpour that wouldn't happen until late in the afternoon, and even that wasn't a big deal.
By the afternoon, my allergies were kicking in. I took a Claritin (non-drowsy, dissolvable tablet), then took a nap for an hour. Rest of the day was uneventful, I went to bed around 9. Felt a bit cool upstairs in bed, and since we had the AC on, no need for the extra fan, I thought.
That's when the dreams started. The only thing I have to do at work today is mail some packages, otherwise, very quiet day. However, in my dreams, this became some weird Lovecraftian enterprise, playing on whatever fears I might have had deep down that shipping stuff today might entail. In my dreams, getting shipping info became a clandestine affair, I was chased, I wound up in classes taught by my boss from my previous gig (old stress returned, too). I learned some Japanese stuff, interacted with a couple of Japanese folks in a friendly way. Things calmed down, then I wound up near a beach with a huge embankment, surrounded by fellow beachgoers. I climb to the top, and see two fiery columns in the distance, each heralding massive hellstorms. They collided, folks started freaking all around me. Then I became Stan Smith from American Dad. I led a pack of flying cartoon dogs into the maelstrom. One dog died, I had a sad. Then more chaos...
I woke up sweating, looked at the clock, and it was just past midnight. I would toss and turn and sweat up a storm most of the night, everytime getting sucked back into the dream. Other folks get to dream about being big celebrities, banging uber-hot girls and/or guys, or pleasant country drives with loved ones. I get this shit, 99% of the time involving jobs I have or had.
I'm still weirded out and not 100% today, thanks to the allergies. I really, really need to get more lucid dreaming skills going so I can start having some fun in my dreams for a change.
I haven't been to the one in Berlin... yet. I usually don't go that far south, but my best friend would absolutely have a go at it. I'll mention it to him. Thanks!
Nathan just got done mowing the grass and raking. I did dishes and cleaned up a little in the kitchen and vacuumed. Will continue doing stuff around the house so I don't feel like a lazy piece of shit next to Nathan 'I am all that is man' Greybush.
Mortal Sin is a registered trademark of the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church. Hallelujah. ~Iggy
Just got home from Brittany's family reunion thing, about to relax for about an hour before I make delicious ass tacos, watch Super and maybe Paul, then eat frozen custard.
Hanging with Baltar, heading out to the park to fly my new toy that Ceej bought me, gonna go for a walk, play some Magic, make breakfast tacos, drink then watch Breaking Bad.
"Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG
"Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson
Worked 12 hours yesterday and 10 today at one of our stores in Columbus. Met Nathan at a friend's house up there for his kid's birthday. Now just farting around the house trying not to fall asleep. Failing. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
Mortal Sin is a registered trademark of the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church. Hallelujah. ~Iggy