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L.A. Noire

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  • #76
    Aaaaaand you can choose to play it in black and white.

    Fuckin' a.
    Me quick one want slow


    • #77
      Fuck dudes. I want to play this right now but my stupid Best Buy isn't doing midnight release. I hope the store still has that free DLC case. Probably won't get any real time to play this until the weekend. Playing in black and white? OMG.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Nick Vanderhuge View Post
        Great, the first noir game we have in ages and you can't even be a crooked fuckin' cop.
        This doesn't bother me that much, I mean I'm all for options but being able to do everything all the time doesn't always make the best gaming experience.

        Originally posted by McMeatbag View Post
        Aaaaaand you can choose to play it in black and white.

        Fuckin' a.
        "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


        • #79
          "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

          "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


          • #80
            HAHAHAHA, awesome. I made it to my first murder on homicide desk today and did a few random radio calls as well. This game has three discs and I'm supposedly, according to the stats 20% through the main story? WTF?!? Random radio calls will be done as much as possible if that's the case. Did not get the free case as I had not pre-ordered it from gamestop but I did get the game for $2.15.

            Liking it so far, especially when I can pick out which actor the characters face is modeled off of.
            "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


            • #81
              I kept shooting the Jew jewelry store owner. It took five tries before I figured it out.
              My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

              Click here to visit AndersonVision!


              • #82
                Amazeballs. We're still using that right? OK good. That's this game. So many awesome actors too.


                • #83
                  Exact opposite problem as Detective Ruckus here, warning shot the jewelery store guy right off the bat but on my first street case (masked gunman?) I didn't know I had to hold right trigger and then hit right bumper to shoot the guy, kept pointing my reticle at him like an asshole as he ran off. Ended up getting into a hostage situation with the dude, game said to incapacitate him but I shot him dead. Other results possible?

                  Digging game. Nailed my first two investigations on the Driver's Seat case, piling up clues out the ass. Preordered with gamestop so got the extra case, wondering if itll just be randomly thrown in between retail cases or if I have to select in manually from menu after..
                  Last edited by Trejo; 05-17-2011, 07:35 PM.
                  XBL/PSN/Steam Gamertag - CalgaryRonin


                  • #84
                    I shot that fucking masked gunman in the head right away. Fuck that guy.
                    "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                    "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                    • #85
                      Had to go to Forsyth Park for perspective studies.

                      Returned home to see a UPS slip on my door.

                      Tomorrow I will become Edmund Exley. Tomorrow...
                      Me quick one want slow


                      • #86
                        Probably will pick this up during the weekend.

                        "Everything is amazing right now and no one is happy" - Louis C.K.


                        • #87
                          Aced my interrogations in Driver's Seat but missed a piece of evidence somehow.. was extra thorough during Marriage Made in Heaven and 5 starred that bitch (Take a walk around the bar on the first visit for a cheevo). Wierd though, nailed all the evidence, perfect investigations (they seem really easy once you learn the pattern, maybe get more difficult later on), but in the case notes at the end it said one more visit to the bar would have revealed how far someone was willing to go to avoid jail.. missed some story still? Nothing was showing up for that in my notebook. Guess that's what case replay is for..

                          Enjoying quite a bit. I like the episodic nature of it more than I thought I would.. and so far the mostly casual gameplay is working for me - like to take my time, check out everything I can, double check my notes, piece it together. By the end maybe I'll be super impatient haha.. don't know how I can be 20% complete the game though when I'm like 2 hours into disc 1 and only done 6/21 cases and 2/40 street crimes
                          XBL/PSN/Steam Gamertag - CalgaryRonin


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Trejo View Post
                            Aced my interrogations in Driver's Seat but missed a piece of evidence somehow.. was extra thorough during Marriage Made in Heaven and 5 starred that bitch (Take a walk around the bar on the first visit for a cheevo). Wierd though, nailed all the evidence, perfect investigations (they seem really easy once you learn the pattern, maybe get more difficult later on), but in the case notes at the end it said one more visit to the bar would have revealed how far someone was willing to go to avoid jail.. missed some story still? Nothing was showing up for that in my notebook. Guess that's what case replay is for..

                            Enjoying quite a bit. I like the episodic nature of it more than I thought I would.. and so far the mostly casual gameplay is working for me - like to take my time, check out everything I can, double check my notes, piece it together. By the end maybe I'll be super impatient haha.. don't know how I can be 20% complete the game though when I'm like 2 hours into disc 1 and only done 6/21 cases and 2/40 street crimes
                            Agreed on all of that. And the bold part has me wondering if the % complete is linked to your desk or the whole game. Seems off or some of the later cases are REALLLY fucking long.
                            "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


                            • #89
                              "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                              "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                              • #90
                                Pretty sure some of the later cases are SUPER long.

