Thoughts on the latest episode. Non-spoiler - Still digging it but holy shit how does this play for people that have no knowledge of Rebels? I'm thinking not as well. Nowwwwww....for the elephant in the room...they can de-age Hayden (no reason) and Ewan (ok) but
Spoiler: come on man
I'll give them a pass for the face (at least they got the ridges there) and it's not as ridiculous as live action Grand Inquisitor, but that made me sad. Everything else about him is great, but that....Not once in any of the books, cartoons, etc, did I ever get the impression that's what he would look like.
IT was awesome with the little snailmen and reveal of
Spoiler: I guess?
as for some reason I totally thought that GoldenFace was gonna be the twist.
But still, that fucking belly man....
IT was awesome with the little snailmen and reveal of
But still, that fucking belly man....