Marathoned this last weekend - I enjoyed it despite the issues mentioned above (the writing and editing hobbled what should've been a great series), but it's definitely no Mandalorian.
Re; the Third Sister, I didn't have much of a problem with her acting, and I get what she was trying to do and why, but the way her character's motivation and her arc was written left me scratching my head (most convoluted revenge plan ever). Also, having watched Rebels gave me the head's up about the Grand Inquisitor's fate, so no real anxiety there. That whole arc was pointless.
Spoiler: Just in case anyone hasn't watched the whole thing yet...
Fucking tired of prequels. If they're going that route, then enough already with the Skywalker stuff. You want a prequel, gimme Old Republic or High Republic era stories. Or a Fallen Jedi series post video game story.
Re; the Third Sister, I didn't have much of a problem with her acting, and I get what she was trying to do and why, but the way her character's motivation and her arc was written left me scratching my head (most convoluted revenge plan ever). Also, having watched Rebels gave me the head's up about the Grand Inquisitor's fate, so no real anxiety there. That whole arc was pointless.
Fucking tired of prequels. If they're going that route, then enough already with the Skywalker stuff. You want a prequel, gimme Old Republic or High Republic era stories. Or a Fallen Jedi series post video game story.