Hank made me feel horrible while at the same time made me want to pull a Vito and slap him and tell him to be a man.
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Breaking Bad - Season 4-SPOILERS
Wow, they just handed out the Emmy nominations last week and here Giancarlo Esposito is with a "just hand me a fucking Emmy right now" scene. Somehow, I don't think he's getting topped between now and this time next year.
Congrats, Breaking Bad. You've given the world the Most Uncomfortable Silence Ever.sigpic
360: JohnnyChopsocky PSN: Stud_Beefpile
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WHY THE FUCK IS IT NOT FUCKING SUNDAY ALREADY?! <object id="flashObj" classid="clsid<img src=" images="" smilies="" cheesy.gif"="" alt="" title="Cheesy" smilieid="3" class="inlineimg" border="0" height="388" width="456">
Man, Jesse is losing it. I wanted to smack Walt in the face during the bar scene but it was taken care of, so that was good. Badger's conversation about the zombies made me laugh.
Also, the scene with Walt trying to go to Gus's house = perfect."Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG
"Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson
Wait, really? I thought he split because he felt bad about using the support groups as a way to move product and about her little brother/cousin/whatever getting whacked by the two gangbangers.
I thought this week was great. Even appearing only by phone call, El Pollo Loco is a scary bad-ass. Man, I hope they don't keep him in the background.
Skylar is a fucking bitch, worse than she has been in previous seasons. They had options for laundering money, instead she fucking ruins a guys business he built from the ground up because he was rude to her....because Walt was rude to him? Fuck her.
Jesse...bad shit is going to happen to Jesse. Is there seriously anyway that a house could turn into a crack den in a sleepy neighborhood like that and not get busted though?
Originally posted by BillyG View PostSkylar is a fucking bitch, worse than she has been in previous seasons. They had options for laundering money, instead she fucking ruins a guys business he built from the ground up because he was rude to her....because Walt was rude to him? Fuck her.
Those two are crazy fucked-up soul mates, I tell you.sigpic
360: JohnnyChopsocky PSN: Stud_Beefpile