You know when people say "the powers that be..." when they're talking about the ultimate unreachable authority? This is who they're talking about. They are literally talking about Powers Boothe. Look at that fucking mustache! That is raw power there. He could destroy you with that facial hair! He will call on dark forces, and fill your mouth with spiders... if you're lucky!
You can tell this picture was taken on a red carpet or something, but he's not looking at the camera. He's not smiling, either... he's grimacing. I bet there's a low growl coming out of him.
I'll bet he's pissed at the papparazzo who took his photo... and if he is, then forget about it! Powers Boothe is going to skin that guy and turn his pelt in at Spencer Gifts for store credit. Then he's going to buy one of those candles that looks like a vagina and he's going to light it and he's going to fuck it until there's nothing left... because Powers Boothe doesn't half-ass anything.
Fuck... this photo should just be shown to babies when they're born, and they'll never turn into sissies. They might be afraid of mustaches for a while, but it'll be worth it. It'll be like the all-encompassing life equivalent of those highway safety videos where it shows the consequences of not wearing a seatbelt. You fuck up and THIS is going to be the last thing you see. They won't even find your bones.
So, to wrap things up... as your mouth fills up with spiders, you will know that he is right and that you deserve everything that Powers Fucking Boothe has done to you.