Thanks, Lisa and Matt, and while it sucks on a financial level, it's good to know Stitch will ultimately be OK. Not sure how many teeth are getting removed - not like he uses them, really, as he just inhales the stuff without chewing (dry and wet). Patch, however, chews the same food, and his teeth are as white as snow.
Ugh. Poor Stitch went through hell. All but two of his teeth had to come out due to some badness in his mouth (saw the x-rays, and HOO BOY. Some of that evil got near his jawbone - a real subtle, nasty periodontal disease and infections. Very hard to notice, unless you're really looking for it. Turns out he also had some broken teeth we knew nothing about). All the badness is gone now, and he's on a brace of antibiotics for three weeks. Poor little guy's been punked out since he got home, so we've been letting him rest and babying him as much as possible.
Cute moment - Patch walked up to him and gave him a kiss, and has been watching over him since he got home. Little brother cat is taking care of big brother cat.
Total outlay was $1800+, but worth it, as Stitch should be back to normal in a few weeks (he's on wet food for the next week or so, then he can have kibble again, so his diet and food intake won't be affected too severely).
Thanks again for the well-wishes, folks! Stitch appreciates it!
Poor guy! Penny says she feels for him with the 3 weeks of antibiotics, and Oscar is a champion co-bather of the infirm. He says he'll rent himself out for a price.
Mortal Sin is a registered trademark of the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church. Hallelujah. ~Iggy
Thanks, Ingrid! best, as always to you, Nathan, and Penny and Oscar!
Ahhh, the comedy. So, Jen stayed up a bit with Stitch, trying to get him to eat something so she could give him the antibiotic. Nothing, so she went to bed around 11. She tried again later in the night, but Stitch crawled under the bed, and short of moving everything, he was there to stay.
This morning, Stitch is still under the bed, resting. Jen and I turned up the bed, flipped the mattress, and tried to get Stitch so Jen could try and feed him/give him his medicine. "Fuck that shit", though Stitch, as he bolted for our washer/dryer combo, where he went behind it. So, Jen and I are trying to move the damn thing to get Stitch (it's in an alcove that's way too small for me or Jen to get into - yes, another sign that we need to lose weight). We move it, but accidently unplug it in the rear, meaning we need a repair guy to reinstall it (FUCK!). So, I called my mom, who lives down the street from us, and is small and skinny, for help, thinking she can snag Stitch.
Mom comes over, and I go to work (Jen told me to go, as she's off today). Mom and Jen try, but Stitch is being obstinate (look that up in your Funk & Wagnalls, kids!). Then my Mom, sharpest tool in the shed, calls our resident handyman and Dude of Dudes, Bob to come over for help. Bob, tall and skinny, comes over, gets Stitch, gives the cat to Jen who puts him in the nearby bathroom. Bob then reinstalls the washer/dryer, puts up the old washer/dryer sliding door which we never got around to re-installing since the last time we had the unit serviced, and all is well.
Only cost us $20. Bob is the MAN.
Stitch is currently being babied by Jen, who's got a call into the vet for advice on how to get Stitch to eat something so she can give him his antibiotic.
Ugh. To say I feel so awful for that poor cat is rather obvious. I'm hoping, PRAYING, he eats something today (strict wet food for a few weeks for him), and starts the road to recovery already.
Yes, Bob IS the man. You and Jen are fail (just kidding! ).
Seriously though, I'm sure he'll eat something today once he gets hungry and is feeling better. His mouth was probably hurting him yesterday.
If he's on a strict wet diet, here's what I did with Edison a few years back when he was sick and not eating. Mix the food till it's a pudding-like consistency, trap him in the bathroom again, roll him in a towel, and then scoop the food with your fingertips into his mouth, "poi" style. He'll still hate you, but he hates the antibiotics too, but at least he'll feel better.
2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.
Good advice, Lisa, thanks! I called Jen, and she's doing something like that to get Stitch to drink his water (she wets her finger and puts it on his nose, and Stitch starts licking it up); he hasn't really touched his water or food since he got home.
The wet stuff they usually eat is pretty much pudding consistency already, so that shouldn't be a problem. Jen's also thinking of taking one of the spent syringes, cleaning it thoroughly, and filling it with water to shoot down his throat so he's hydrated (she used to do the same thing with her Mom's dogs when they were still around, and it worked like a charm).
Thanks again everyone for the sound advice and well-wishes. Y'all rock!
Special very much thank yous to Rob for getting us all together in the first place. It's a testament to you and the board you pulled together that shows why this place beats DERP like a red-headed stepchild. You da man, sir!
Oh! Sorry, I was posting that before I had my morning caffeine! Mix the moist food with a little water - that way, he's getting water and food all together. And yes, I've done the syringe full of water in the mouth trick when Edison was sick back then, too. Hug and kiss him from me!
(*Edison sends a getwellsoonpawbump*)
2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.
Oh! Sorry, I was posting that before I had my morning caffeine! Mix the moist food with a little water - that way, he's getting water and food all together. And yes, I've done the syringe full of water in the mouth trick when Edison was sick back then, too. Hug and kiss him from me!
(*Edison sends a getwellsoonpawbump*)
Not a problem, Lisa. Jen spoke to the vet/dentist this morning, and she said the same thing. Jen was talking about throwing a can of fud in the blender with some water, or waiting until later when she can run out and get some Fancy Feast "Pâté" for Stitch.
He seems to be doing a bit better. Jen said he was more affectionate to her, and got some more pain meds. Patch, however, knows something's up and has been running around like a loon... well, even more so than usual.
Special very much thank yous to Lisa for the great advice - Jen's had some success feeding Stitch using Lisa's recommendations, which were echoed by the vet/dentist. Jen's planning on giving Stitch his first dose of antibiotic tonight as a result.
Stitch sends you and Edison pink nose kisses, girl!
Oh, I'm so glad that worked, and that the vet agreed too! Makes me feel good to know it helped! I mean, Edison was none too happy with it, but until he was well enough to feel like eating, I kind of had to. I'd add water to the moist food, blend it, and moosh it into his mouth with my fingers, and then I'd give him more water with the syringe, PLUS the antibiotic with another syringe. He was doing much better within a week. The vet had told me that the key is making sure they eat and drink, because since they're so small, not eating and drinking for a couple of days is much tougher on their internal systems than ours.
2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.