She's actually been a bitch to Gucci a couple times. Gucci jumped in my lap (see picture) while I was watching football and she decided she wanted up there too. But she decided to growl and snap at Gucci (a jealous woman? Why I never!) and she did that a couple more times to him, and that doesn't play. I gave her a little pop on her ass and I think she's got the point. I just hope they're OK while we are gone during the day.
Odds are she did that because she may be feeling scared and insecure about "this new home, these new people, uh-oh, another dog, what if they love him more than me and give me away to yet another family, etc." She'll hopefully ease up on him once she feels more settled in.
2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.
Me and that dog? Fucking done. Professionally. Played the sweet and nice role so well, but only to set me up. When I walked out the door this morning it bolted from a solid 10-12 feet away, got past my legs and out into the open. After chasing her down (so fun at 5:45am at freezing temps) I tried to pick her up and she decided to bite the fuck out of me. Got a few good chunks of skin off my index finger. Not happy right now.
Me and that dog? Fucking done. Professionally. Played the sweet and nice role so well, but only to set me up. When I walked out the door this morning it bolted from a solid 10-12 feet away, got past my legs and out into the open. After chasing her down (so fun at 5:45am at freezing temps) I tried to pick her up and she decided to bite the fuck out of me. Got a few good chunks of skin off my index finger. Not happy right now.
Uh oh. Okay, just give her time to calm down, she has to be scared as hell over not having her regular people around her. I know this sounds hokey, but you have to give her a break. because all she knows right now is that she's been given away to strange people. She doesn't know yet that you're her new family.
2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.
She's getting about two weeks. The other thing is it is digging/clawing into the couches and I will not take that for one second. I spent who knows how long last night popping her butt and telling her "NO!" and already told Brittany if I come home to a ruined couch she's going to my dad's. Not digging this dog.
She doesn't chew. She claws. Much worse. My parents let our dogs run the house, and they clawed up everything, not gonna do that. And if she did chew I would have to hand her off to someone, I couldn't muzzle a dog like that. Cruel as shit.
I hope to god it works out, Billy. My heart just breaks at the thought that she might have to be given away AGAIN if she doesn't chill out. The ultimate ending is never good for animals that just can't work it out with several owners.
Just out of curiosity, why did the previous owners give her up?
2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.
I really don't want to give her up, because she was being really sweet but as I said, I've lived in places where the animals ran the house and I won't go for that one second. Especially when it results in me getting bit and having my shit destroyed. Luckily my dad already said he would take her in (and this was before we even got her).
The owner is getting re-married and he and his wife have decided to buy an RV and travel, and they don't want to keep a pet cooped up in the RV all the time.
Glad to hear your dad is a back up, and I still have my fingers crossed that she calms down once she gets settled in. You and your pops = good peoples.
2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.
Stitch's dental surgery is this afternoon, around 2 EST. To prep him, no food after 6 this morning, which likely isn't going down too well with him (cat loves to eat).
I'm a bit bummed that the poor fuzzhead doesn't know what'll be going on, or why this is happening to him. Jen also mentioned the possibility that Stitch might have to stay over at the dentist/vet for observation overnight, which breaks my heart. Poor little guy, and his brother'll be out of sorts tonight with his "Where's Stitch?" look.
Pets. Man, they just get into your heart, don't they?
Oh, and to prove I truly am a prick, I'm also hoping they only have to remove the one tooth, and there's nothing else wrong with him. Otherwise, I'm $1200 poorer.