from gizmodo:
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flat rate fee + future hd streaming + firmware updateable + unlimited views as long as you're a netflix customer = FUCKING AWESOME.
anyone still want to argue that hd streaming/downloads won't go anywhere?
Netflix's first streaming box is finally here and it's pretty damn brilliant of a set up. First of all, the box is 99 bucks, and designed by Roku. It's fanless and quiet; has HDMI and optical outputs; and is about the size of 5 CD cases stacked together. Any Netflix disc mailing plan over $9 gets you unlimited streaming of almost 10,000 titles. Unlimited! 10K titles! Take that Apple TV and VuDu!
flat rate fee + future hd streaming + firmware updateable + unlimited views as long as you're a netflix customer = FUCKING AWESOME.
anyone still want to argue that hd streaming/downloads won't go anywhere?