Update for Josh, he got the game working. It was due to an issue with the .net platform. If any of you have issues were the game won't start, it's because there's a known issue with .net. Just download the latest one, run the program as repair, and reboot.
I started a new character to play with Josh and created a server. It was fun playing with another person, even though I didn't have my awesome gear.
At first I was like *Jakesadface* when I "finished" the game and by finished, I mean I beat all the bosses, got all the NPCs, and acquired all the highest-tiered items (only took 61 hours). But then I read this and we so excited. We so excited. Looking forward to the weekend... I mean update!
In the long term, we will not just be adding content, but new mechanics as well. Some of the ideas the we have been playing around with are:
Pure PvP servers with team based objectives. Worlds will be generated before every match. Imagine a CTF server where towers are automatically created on either side of the map. Players can fight it out on the surface, or try to tunnel into the other tower.
Adding sloped/inclined tiles to make the world smoother.
New harder world types to continue game progression (Ex: Alien plants, alternate dimensions, evil worlds, etc.)
Enemy factions that will move into your world, and build their own city. You can slaughter them while they are weak, or let them build up their strength to get better rewards.
More events: Volcanoes, earthquakes, more/improved invasions, etc..
Weather: Seasons, snow, floods, etc..
Farming, and stamina system that gives a bonus to player stats.