It's like lost meets law and order except they just went ahead and shit the bed right out of the gate.
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The Killing
Fuck this fucking show in its fucking fuck ass. Where to start. HERE BE SPOILERS
First - The detectives. MOTHERFUCKER lady you are one shit detective. I don't remember your characters name because the only things I know about you are you're a shit mom and a shit detective and a shit girlfriend. While you send fucking patrols to EVERY gas station in Seattle your detective uses MATH to get a grasp on a certain area the car likely was in when it needed to be filled with gas. Instead of going "oh derpderpderp why didn't we do this before we wasted a ton of fucking time" you MAKE FUN OF HIM for doing goddamn detective work.
OH and the tinted windows. HOLY SHIT GUYS did you know if your windows are tinted it is totally impossible to see inside a car, or identify someone, especially when there is a huge NON-TINTED fucking windshield to look through? She treated a tinted window like a small town Kentucky sheriff in 1968 seeing a black guy stop in a tinted Caddy stop in town for gas. TINT IS FOR NEFARIOUS PEOPLE.
And why the FUCK did they make the only semi-competent person, Holder, suddenly fabricate some kind of evidence? I mean...and to what end? Obviously it has to be the incumbent mayor he is working for right? But wouldn't he do fucking time for totally fabricating photos of him? It's not like every one won't know within like 30 minutes that those photos didn't come from broken cameras, and I don't think any amount of money would be worth being an ex-cop getting sent to do time for something like that.
The blond campaign lady that Rocketeer is banging...did anyone else notice how TOTALLY different she appeared and was filmed this week? In early episodes she was a smart career woman but she was "soft around the edges" and cute, and playful in her attitude...tonight all of a sudden her make-up was done so all her features were hard, angular, I swear to christ they even plucked her eyebrows to make them very thin and sharp and make her look devious and shifty. This obviously comes from the fact they didn't know where they were going when they began the show. So now she looks like suspect prime, even though we still have that stupid email account tied to Rocketeer.
Where was lady detective running off to last night anyway? Didn't her fiance come to Seattle to flat out tell her "yo, you're a bitch in how you're treating me, CHUNK DEUCE" when she moved into that no tell motel? And why is she completely incapable of booking plane tickets when she has the time to make it to the damn plane? IM NOT MISSING THIS PLANE COME ON well stop rushing and book a damn plane for the morning?
And then Belko or whatever his name is is now Jack Ruby? Fuck off. OH and the mom! The boys don't need YES they do, since you guilted the dad into going and beating a man into a coma and he is going to do state time they need a mom more than ever.
Bravo William, Bravo
I didn't have the strength to do that much analysis. But I'll add this, if mayor douche leaked the affairs why didn't he leak the photos? If Mayor Douche didn't leak them then Councilman's girlfriend douche did and why would she? Also the dope head doucher sister is now all full of sage wisdom after being basically only useful as a babysitter? Detective Douchelady doesn't call her Captain doucher after finding out about the toll camera's right away? The toll douche's knew the cameras were out for like forever but couldn't tell the police right away.
FUUUUUUUUUtrollface.jpg Me and this show are fucking done professionally."Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci
And why was the Rocketeer's gf/campaign manager lady so pissed all night last night? Supposedly his "affairs" came out, but they weren't even HIS affairs, since they occurred AFTER his wife died. They really didn't give any fucking reason for her being SO pissed as to throw him under the truck by showing he had met Rosie earlier at a campaign rally...and wait, if they met a campaign rally was she ever really an escort? Did they even establish that she DID do the escort thing or it was just the aunt? God this show is shit.
Links to read - Each much more comprehensible than this show,57743/
Sepinwall -So this will be the last review I write of "The Killing," because this will be the last time I watch "The Killing." Because I have no interest in going forward with a show that treats its audience this way.
They alluded that she had to have been escorting because the Aunt knew nothing of the money she was depositing. Also my brain just no longer will allow me to think about this show because it's fucking dumb."Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci
From Billy's first link.....
- Holder claims that he hasn’t heard back about the surveillance footage from the toll booth, so Linden tells him to submit a request using her badge number. On board the plane, she gets a phone call (in the middle of the night?) from highway patrol regarding the footage, which means that Holder, despite trying to frame Richmond, must have submitted the request, using Linden's badge number and contact information, all but guaranteeing that his cover would be blown.
"Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci
HAHA. Vindication for me. Watched that last episode with Lesley (after basically checking out after the 3-4th episode) and lulzed hard. WHO DID IT?! FIND OUT NEXT SEASON.
lulz."Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG
"Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson