Love love love love love. My biggest concern was that the role Houston played would be ignored, or downplayed greatly, but it looks like that won't be the case. They name dropped Telephone Road as a murder scene for someone, which is, great job on the research there. It shows to me that Simon & Co. really did their research as to the role Houston had. And the "On the next episode" when Steve Zahn says "All the crime went to Houston" I got a bitter sweet smile. Love that the entire story is being told, as I always felt Houston (and Texas as a whole) wasn't given its due during and after Katrina by the mainstream media.
Yeah I'm a bit passionate about what happened to my city in regards to Katrina, and other ignored hurricanes.
So, uh, yeah, this show is awesome. You dudes should all be watching it, even if you don't have the HBOs. The shot of the Big Chief coming out of the dark? Holy smokes.
Caught part of the recap this morning and saw the episode where Bunk got his ass beat, Steve Zahn sang his "boobs in the neighborhood" song, and Lester Freeman gave the stinkeye to the kid he caught getting trim on his property.
Everything in terms of character development, musical showcases, and subtextual commentary is handled so expertly each time out that I will be forever envious of Dave Simon and his crew.
I wonder if Bunk's ex-wife will ever find her brother. Or get that fucking roof fixed...
Pissed that I haven't been able to watch this yet. One of these days...
"Here, young man, your hormones are raging. Let's go in this bedroom, and we'll engage in some homosexual acts. You'll find you like it." - Rep. Ken Peterson, R-Billings
"You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one." - Don Draper
I look forward to this more than The Pacific. I love all the musician cameos they've been able to get. The music is fantastic and all of the storylines have been really good.