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  • Don't Trust the Bitch in Apartement 23 is still frickin funny. Last episode killed.

    Last Resort is still good, but I wonder how long they can keep it up.


    • As preposterous & staged as it seems, I so WANT "Amish Mafia" to be real. The "Don's" office is a desk in a barn. They make money by betting on buggy races. They beat the shit out of a fruit merchant trying to pass himself off as Amish to unsuspecting tourists. And the rival Ohio Amish mafia's enforcer is a badass Amish midget. How can you NOT love this show?
      I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.

      2012 Avatar Theme: Jan-Red Borg. Feb-Red Borg, Mar-Red Borg, Apr-Red Borg, May-Red Borg. Jun-Red Borg. Jul-Red Borg. Aug-Red Borg. Sep-Red Borg. Oct-Red Borg. Nov-Red Borg. Dec-Red Borg.


      • Amish Mafia is fucking HILARIOUS.
        "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

        "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


        • My wife started watching Mad Men recently. I pop in and out, but have seen most of the 1st 10 eps, I think. What I don't understand is: why is Don Draper considered some god of advertising? The cigarette company hated his idea. Tara from Sons of Anarchy hated his idea. The Bethlehem Steel guy hated his idea. He hasn't even come up with anything for the laxative people. Why is he such a big swingin' dick if nobody likes his ads?
          I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.

          2012 Avatar Theme: Jan-Red Borg. Feb-Red Borg, Mar-Red Borg, Apr-Red Borg, May-Red Borg. Jun-Red Borg. Jul-Red Borg. Aug-Red Borg. Sep-Red Borg. Oct-Red Borg. Nov-Red Borg. Dec-Red Borg.


          • Originally posted by Abraham Smashington View Post
            Amish Mafia is fucking HILARIOUS.
            It is. It's sooooooo staged but a laugh a minute.

            Originally posted by IggytheBorg View Post
            My wife started watching Mad Men recently. I pop in and out, but have seen most of the 1st 10 eps, I think. What I don't understand is: why is Don Draper considered some god of advertising? The cigarette company hated his idea. Tara from Sons of Anarchy hated his idea. The Bethlehem Steel guy hated his idea. He hasn't even come up with anything for the laxative people. Why is he such a big swingin' dick if nobody likes his ads?
            Because his dick is big and it swings?
            "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


            • Originally posted by IggytheBorg View Post
              My wife started watching Mad Men recently. I pop in and out, but have seen most of the 1st 10 eps, I think. What I don't understand is: why is Don Draper considered some god of advertising? The cigarette company hated his idea. Tara from Sons of Anarchy hated his idea. The Bethlehem Steel guy hated his idea. He hasn't even come up with anything for the laxative people. Why is he such a big swingin' dick if nobody likes his ads?
              For every 10 ads they pitch one gets approved/liked by customers. Recurring theme is the clients don't know jack shit.


              • Originally posted by BillyG View Post
                For every 10 ads they pitch one gets approved/liked by customers. Recurring theme is the clients don't know jack shit.
                I dabbled in advertising back in the day, and Billy nailed it. Used to do ads for a guy who THOUGHT he knew advertising, wouldn't listen to anyone's advice but his own, and he wondered why his competitor's ads smoked his and got more business. I swear, every ad I did to his specs (and the dude was more anal than your average porn star) made no sense and had absolutely no impact on his customers.

                Learned a valuable trick early on in my career: always give the customer EXACTLY what they want, no matter how nuts you think it is. Then, do something the way YOU would do it, were it your company/product. Present the first item to the client for his approval (they almost ALWAYS approve the first item, because it's THEIR idea), then you show them your take. 9 out of 10 times, the client will gravitate to your way of thinking, but it will be THEM making the decision. This way, they feel like they did their job, the artist feels like he/she did his/her job, and everybody is happy.

                Saves a shit-ton of stress and agita, too.


                • Tim just described the method Don uses a lot. And Draper & Tim are never in the same room at the same time. Hmmm....

                  Also, started season 4 of The Wire the other day. Davis' rant in Royce's office after the subpoena was hilaaarious. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiit.


                  • I can see how you could confuse me with Draper, Grave, old buddy, old chum. We both look good in suits. But Draper's got more hair. Drinks more, too. Doesn't wear glasses. Hangs out with Christina Hendricks and served in the Korean War. I wasn't even a concept when the Korean War happened. Hell, my parents hadn't even met yet.

                    I must be doing something wrong.


                    • No, you're doing nothing wrong, hon. You've got me, don't you?
                      Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs!


                      • MAD MEN is great. Stick with it.
                        Originally posted by Martin
                        Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
                        Originally posted by gravedigger
                        Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
                        Originally posted by Martin
                        And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
                        Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


                        • Noooo, the revelation of part of the final plan is NOT COOL. #Fringe.


                          • Dont fucking spoil anything Grave!! I'm waiting the end to marathon the last 5 eps.


                            • No spoilers! Next week is the 2-hour finale. I have high hopes of greatness. I've really liked this season.


                              • AMERICAN FRIENDS!

                                Tonight, on syfy, is the US premiere of Continuum, a show I mentionned months ago.

                                Trust me on this, while ther series have some ups and downs, overall it's pretty strong, and as far as time travel goes, it's upper-tier stuff. Great show.

                                Come on people, jump on the boat!

