Originally posted by Timothy225
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Oh, by the way - true story... he lives in NYC, and when I worked at ABC, my friend Kirsten and I saw him right outside of our offices on 66th & Broadway (this was around Christmas of '96). We were on our way to our department Christmas party, and about three people had ditched and stuck us with the task of bringing their Secret Santa presents to the party. So, it's horrible out - it's rain/snowing, which in NYC means you're not getting a cab anytime soon. We're each bogged down with shopping bags full of not only our presents for the party, but the presents of the people who were ditching. We're getting soaked through, and trying desperately to hail a cab.
All of a sudden, I look to my right, and one guess who's standing on the corner waiting to cross? Yes, bitches, MY DREAMBOAT!
I gawk out a gasp, and Kirsten turns to see what I'm gasping at. And we're standing there, in the freezing rain/snow on 66 & Broadway in front of ABC, clutching each other's arms and staring open mouth at him as he waits to cross the street. He takes a step, and we both stand there staring him with our big dumb open mouth bug eyes.
And as he walks away from us, Kirsten and I, still clutching each other's arms, begin to jump up and down and shriek like a pair of 12 year olds. Yes, yes we did. Oh, and just for the record? I was 33 at the time and Kirsten was 28 - fine pair of specimens of maturity and grace. Upon hearing our squeals, he turned around and looked back at us with as much of a "What the fuck?" look on his face as a person who'd been in show business for almost 20 years at that time could muster up.
Yeah, I can't wait to maybe run into him again some day: "Hey, remember me? I'm the jackass who shrieked like a middle schooler one day when you were crossing the street! How long ago was that? Oh, you know, I was way younger then - I was in my 30s."