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Iggy Horror Thread VIII: Does Aging or Being a Parent Make You More Squeamish?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by IggytheBorg View Post
    I thought, on reading Bobby's 1st post that he was implying those who aren't at least a little afraid of what's in a horror movie just aren't enjoying it as much - or maybe on as many levels would be a better way to explain it. I think that's probably true. I found watching Carl getting that bullet fragment extracted, & the bloody child seat on the "Walking Dead" episode earlier this year a little hard to watch, but I still enjoyed that episode, BECAUSE it scared me a bit. Besides thinking the story, character & special effects are cool, which I also do. But the latter would have been the youthful me's only reaction. I never found I was wasting my time watching good, but not scary horror movies, because I always had that latter reaction to them.
    I've emboldened those sentences because they highlight where I was misunderstood before. I wasn't for one second saying "unless you're constantly scared, you're not doing it right!" There are obviously lots of layers to movie-watching. You needn't be on the edge of your figurative seat every second of, say, an action thriller to enjoy it; or laughing throughout a comedy. Entertainment is not dependent on fear. I honestly don't know where this notion that someone is "wasting time" watching something unless certain boxes are ticked came into this, because that's not what I was saying at all.

    I was going to say before I don't think I've explained myself well, but I'm glad you posted this, Iggy. There's no right or wrong way to enjoy art - everyone likes things for different reasons and I sincerely think that's great. I was just wondering out loud why people who seem to have no great affection for (or appreciation of) horror are such rabid consumers of the genre.

    Legal dramas/thrillers are entertaining enough to me; I appreciate the craft and there are some truly gripping examples (The Accused being a personal favourite), but they generally leave me quite cold so I don't bother with them much. It wouldn't make sense for me, then, to watch every courtroom drama under the sun just so I can trash them or mention the one or two things I found memorable about 'em. That's what I don't understand about this particular breed of horror fan. I don't care if everyone reads from the same song sheet or not. I was just curious.
    "The bear is a solitary animal. They like their space. They live in a magic circle. They don't mind if you're, like, a mile away. But if you get inside their circle, they will maul you." - Anonymous


    • #32
      I think it's more that we watch so many hoping to find gems. But so much of it is bad - despite all our fervent hopes to the contrary - that we're let down, & thus apt to trash, horror films more often than not. And we mention the little things worthwhile in them because sometimes. . . sadly that's all there is. Someone at DERP, I forget who - Greg David, maybe - said horror fans are ike the parents of retarded children; whenever one of them gets something right, we crow about it like proud parents. Doing either doesn't make you less of a fan, necessarily. Maybe it makes you more of one, because you're putting in the time to sift thru the tailings for the diamonds.
      I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.

      2012 Avatar Theme: Jan-Red Borg. Feb-Red Borg, Mar-Red Borg, Apr-Red Borg, May-Red Borg. Jun-Red Borg. Jul-Red Borg. Aug-Red Borg. Sep-Red Borg. Oct-Red Borg. Nov-Red Borg. Dec-Red Borg.


      • #33
        Bumped this thread b/c this doesn't seem to warrant its own thread, & it kind of jibes w/ the tone. I saw a DVR'd edition of Chiller's "The Future of Fear" last night. It was an enjoyable watch, even tough it was 95% historical survey of slasher, vampire, zombie, monster & torture porn as sub genres (most of which we've heard before). They only really got into speculations on the future at the very end for a dfew minutes. What the "experts" think we'll see more of? A return to amospheric, creepy as opposed to gory films as a sort of backlash vs. torture porn ( a trend validated, they say, by Paranormal Activity 2 beating out Saw VI at the box office). We'll also see more female filmmakers getting into the act. A return to practical efects in greater proportion to CGI. They all seem to agree we haven't seen the last of any of the bove sub genres, but we'll get more old schol, scary vamires as a reaction to Twilight's emo, beautiful vamps. Welcome additions, all, IMO. Anyone else see this or care to comment on their opinions?
        I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.

        2012 Avatar Theme: Jan-Red Borg. Feb-Red Borg, Mar-Red Borg, Apr-Red Borg, May-Red Borg. Jun-Red Borg. Jul-Red Borg. Aug-Red Borg. Sep-Red Borg. Oct-Red Borg. Nov-Red Borg. Dec-Red Borg.


        • #34
          I believe that The Cabin in the Woods was the cinematic equivalent of a long-ass post for this thread. If the meta-text intended was that the Ancient Gods (screw spoilers...go see the damn thing) represent the audience, then the intent of the film fits this thread pretty well exactly.

          As per the original post regarding parenthood/aging? I say yeah, it makes one more susceptible. There's my little girl in the other room. That little girl on the screen could (metaphorically) be her. What happens if something....anything...becomes a nightmare scenario for her and I can't help her through it? PRIMAL parental fear. May creeped my wife and I out simply because we saw elements of our middle daughter brought to life in the title character. Paranormal Activity 3 played on some of my deepest anxieties with the two little sisters. For example, what if *I* am the source of the future nightmare scenario? Just thinking about that stuff makes me feel all kinds of guilt and anxiety, and I'm not even Jewish.


          • #35
            Originally posted by teledork
            (screw spoilers...go see the damn thing)
            "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


            • #36
              Love you too, man


              • #37
                Spoiler that may have been, but not having seen this yet, I have no idea what it means.
                I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.

                2012 Avatar Theme: Jan-Red Borg. Feb-Red Borg, Mar-Red Borg, Apr-Red Borg, May-Red Borg. Jun-Red Borg. Jul-Red Borg. Aug-Red Borg. Sep-Red Borg. Oct-Red Borg. Nov-Red Borg. Dec-Red Borg.


                • #38
                  It's just I was actively avoiding ANY spurlurs from that one. AND I don't have the funds to just run out and see every movie because that involves a sitter for three kids on top of the movie. Not a biggie but I had to respond lol
                  "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


                  • #39

                    Ya want I should get somebody t'break 'is legs, Jersh?
                    I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.

                    2012 Avatar Theme: Jan-Red Borg. Feb-Red Borg, Mar-Red Borg, Apr-Red Borg, May-Red Borg. Jun-Red Borg. Jul-Red Borg. Aug-Red Borg. Sep-Red Borg. Oct-Red Borg. Nov-Red Borg. Dec-Red Borg.


                    • #40
                      I was always a thumbs guy, but do as you wish.
                      "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


                      • #41
                        Legs. Definitely. I gots to have my thumbs to play the instruments.

                        Have your guy stop by early. I'll split a good sammich with him before the knee-capping.


                        • #42
                          Eh, I'm over it now. I'll have forgotten completely by the time I get to see the flick, the one good side effect of my thyroid condition is the memory issues. I forget bad shit as much as good shit.
                          "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci

