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  • We're okay so far - they say the worst of it will be around noon for NYC. It's pouring hard, but I've heard no winds. Just watching the news, and I"m in the same boat as Tim - on total lockdown, and DYING for a big breakfast that I can't have right now!

    A possible bonus - the subways, which were shut off at noon yesterday, may not be up and running till tomorrow night. No work tomorrow if that's the case! Whoot!

    Tim, Iggy, Ingrid's sister - stay safe and dry!
    2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

    INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!


    • Lisa, Time, Iggy, anyone else out there on the East Coast...BE CAREFUL and ride this badboy out.
      Originally posted by Martin
      Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
      Originally posted by gravedigger
      Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
      Originally posted by Martin
      And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
      Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


      • We are, don't worry. The eye of the storm should be over NYC in about an hour. My mom & stepdad, and my dad, are all safe and sound - storm rode over Atlantic City with no flooding, damage or power loss, for which I'm extremely grateful. My sister in PA called to check on me, and said that they lost power and two trees in their yard! But they're okay.

        Edison's a nervous wreck, which makes me feel horrible, because there's no way you can explain any of this to a cat.

        As for me, I'd beat the crap out of someone right about now for a cheeseburger, or some bacon and eggs. I didn't have that much perishable food in the fridge to begin with, so since Friday, I've been eating all that first in case we lose power. So the ham, the swiss cheese, the chicken - all gone. Now I'm down to sliced package cheese, bread, black bean soup, a couple of weight watchers dinners, couscous, and fruit. I want solid food!
        2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

        INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!


        • Yesterday I was up at 4am getting ready for my flight that left at 6:30. Arrived in Seattle at 8am (pacific time). My aunt and uncle picked me up and then drove up to Vancouver which took another 4 hours or so. Arrived at my other aunt's house and took a nap. I woke up 3 hours later and was finally not crazy exhausted and able to start enjoying my trip. We had wonderful weather - great temps, not humid, sat outside, had some wine, got caught up on everyone in the family, and ate a great dinner including fresh salmon (yum!). Today I'm feeling well rested after sleeping alone (I'm 100% positive Rob feels the same way ) and I'm ready to go wedding dress shopping today. Plans for tomorrow is relaxing most of the day and taking the train from Vancouver back across the border to Edmonds to see my best friend, Libby. So far, this vacation is off to a good start!
          If I were Shé, do you think I'd be operating a taco truck? Shé brings hope. Shé rights the wrongs. Unfortunately, Shé is a myth.


          • Originally posted by Lisa View Post
            Now I'm down to sliced package cheese, bread, black bean soup, a couple of weight watchers dinners, couscous, and fruit. I want solid food!
            You're welcome...


            • Originally posted by V View Post
              Well, I appreciate that, but the supermarket would have to be open so I could get the rest of the ingredients. But it's fine - this is a take-out night, and a bunch of places just re-opened now that Irene hauled her ass on outta here!

              Lesley, glad your vacation is going well! Have fun shopping tomorrow, and hope you find something!
              2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

              INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!


              • So was this whole hurricane thing just a big non-starter in the end? The news yesterday on CNN was just ridiculous in how much dread they were trying to drum up.

                My weekend has been really copacetic so far. Friday we went out shopping (Sephora, Forever 21 for my kids, pet store and games store for me (well Sephora for me too, but I won't get into why it's the best place on Earth here)).

                Yesterday it was Old Navy, then dinner at home, then out for an evening walk and stayed up til 2:30am watching two Towers on teletoon. Then slept in this morning, did a bit of grocery shopping with Lisa at CostCo (also the best place on Earth), then housework a bit, now resting and being lazy with kids and cats. May do some work this evening, prolly going to play Warcraft III instead :P GO GO GO DOTA!
                <sigh> FACEBOOK - MY WEBSITE


                • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                  So was this whole hurricane thing just a big non-starter in the end? The news yesterday on CNN was just ridiculous in how much dread they were trying to drum up.
                  Kinda yes and kinda no. Basically, they cover all of the metro NY news and weather in one shot, so even though we didn't get hit hard in my section of Queens, there were parts of lower Queens where they had to evacuate. Lower Manhattan had a couple feet of flooding, but other sections of Manhattan were fine; same with Brooklyn and NJ. So yeah, it was a matter of "report the worst for the people who need it just so everyone is covered." And really, with weather being so unpredictable, you never know. My sister lives in central PA, and she got hit the hardest of any of us. She lost a couple of trees, lost power - and they never even talked about the storm going that far.
                  2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

                  INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!


                  • Think I almost gave myself heat stroke/exhaustion today. I was in trouble with the boss. But, hey, most of the fencing is done!


                    • Geez, what a weekend.

                      Power went out Saturday around 11 PM. Sunday morning, woke up around 7, watched some of the storm go by my house (some rain, tons of wind). Broken branches and stuff everywhere, but no property damage.

                      Weather calmed down, walked over to my folks around 9, then took a quick jaunt around town to see if JCP&L where working in our area. Find out after I got back that JCP&L purposely shut down our side of the street to make sure our part of the grid didn't risk getting blown out due to floods. Joined my neighbors to shake our fists at the folks across County Line Road who still had power.

                      Power came back on at 2:30 PM or so. There was much rejoicing. Followed by cries of "AAAAWWWWWW!!!!" from my neighbors (save the smart guy across from my backyard who got hisself a generator) when the power went out again at 3 PM. Spent the rest of Sunday reading, napping, listening to the radio for updates, etc.

                      Power came back on at 3:15 this morning. So, I decided to make the attempt to go to work in PA. Got as far as Trenton, only to discover Rt. 29 and the tunnel were closed due to flooding. Turned around, took 295 to 95 to PA. Got off at my usual exit only to see several ROAD CLOSED signs, and lots of tree branches everywhere. In short, can't reach my company, no work for me! Homeward I went, and am just now playing catch-up with all my internet shenanigans.

                      Missed you guys, glad you're all OK! And we have a three-day weekend coming up! Woo!


                      • Originally posted by Timothy225 View Post
                        And we have a three-day weekend coming up! Woo!


                        • Ate 3 BSG brownies on Saturday and played games with Nate, grave, and Ingrid. Made my BACONSPAMPEPPERBACONEGGSAMMICHOFDOOM.

                          Made pulled pork on Sunday and gamed pretty much all day. Also worked on the new site a bunch.

                          Hopefully get Thursday and Friday off which means I'd have a 5 day weekend. YESSSsss
                          "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                          "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                          • hahahaha that fucking avatar
                            "Here, young man, your hormones are raging. Let's go in this bedroom, and we'll engage in some homosexual acts. You'll find you like it." - Rep. Ken Peterson, R-Billings

                            "You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one." - Don Draper

                            *RATED BEST POSTER OF 2011 - CHIPOTLE FAN FORUMS*~


                            • Originally posted by Lisa View Post
                              Well, I appreciate that, but the supermarket would have to be open so I could get the rest of the ingredients. But it's fine - this is a take-out night, and a bunch of places just re-opened now that Irene hauled her ass on outta here!

                              Lesley, glad your vacation is going well! Have fun shopping tomorrow, and hope you find something!
                              My aunt ended up being sick all day yesterday, so I thought we weren't going to go. My other aunt decided to take me and almost all of the stores were closed! Apparently it was doomed to begin with. Fortunately we went into a few places that helped me decide that a dress I've already tried on back home is probably "the one". I did get shoes for the wedding though! I'm in love with them and my aunt bought them for me which was so sweet of her! We also went out for lunch at this great restaurant. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure I have a hangover today from all of the wine I drank yesterday. Good thing I had nothing planned for today and my train ride down to Seattle isn't until this evening.
                              If I were Shé, do you think I'd be operating a taco truck? Shé brings hope. Shé rights the wrongs. Unfortunately, Shé is a myth.


                              • Glad your wedding ensemble is coming together, Lesley. Jen went through a couple of gowns, but the one she chose she found at a consignment shop, and only for $100. Turns out it was the second gown she tried on, but that was the one she fell in love with.

                                Also, remember, DON'T LET ROB SEE YOU IN THE GOWN BEFORE THE WEDDING! Superstitious, yes, but, hey, why take the risk, right?

