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Babies in Bars?!

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  • #46
    That's why I either drink at home, or find the most squalid, urine-soaked hell hole of a bar I can find...

    And in Philly?

    They are thick on the ground, mes amis!

    Female Hipster 1: This looks like a good place, let's bring our mixed-race, underprivileged, foreign adopted child that cost $80,000 in here, Caleb!

    Male Hipster 1: Yes, Madison... let us share our love for this child with all we encounter... because we are the best parents in the world!

    Person I usually drink with 1: New meat! Dibs on the... what is that? Is he a guy?

    Person I usually drink with 2: Want me to rape them?

    Me: ...


    • #47
      Originally posted by ingrid View Post
      And trying to convince them otherwise, I'm sure, is like a Republican trying to sway a Democrat to their way of thinking and vice versa. It ain't gonna happen.
      Yup. Along with the self-righteous indignation, you get the barely-choked back tears (on my life, I'm not kidding), "This is a BABY! This is our CHILD!!" It's the NY/Brooklyn Hipster parents version of their "Have You No Decency?" speech. And there's no reasoning to them, "Yes, I see it's a baby - and he doesn't belong in a bar."

      And honestly - I hate to even admit this - but I've seen behavior like this in my own family, many years ago. A family member of mine became a parent in Brooklyn back during the time when this movement first started gaining ground (this was long enough ago that the kids in question are in college and high school now). And it was really embarrassing, because she's family, and she's awesome, but she went a little "round the bend" when the kids were still very little and she was caught up in this. And since it's such a big thing in Brooklyn/NY, the other parents surrounding her and supporting her, who all had kids the same age, just defended that kind of behavior. There were more than a couple of times where I heard, "Well FINE!! If they won't allow (insert 'strollers/kids/my child to run around the restaurant so he can express himself'), then they won't be getting MY business, or the business of ALL the families I know!"
      Last edited by Lisa; 03-04-2010, 09:22 AM.
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      • #48
        Well... you have a somewhat overzealous mayor in New York. Start some shit, Lisa! And yes... I'm being serious!

        I'm sure you can begin a over-reactionary movement to ban kids from bars if you go to the mayor's office, then the press.

        Here in Philly, bars that allow smoking have to pay very large license fees. With some massaging on your end, you can create the same thing in the Apple!

        Joe Snuffy is not going to want to pay a $20,000 fine because Jakerb and Zoey can't be bothered with a babysitter! Fuck them and their skewed views on parenting!


        • #49
          Originally posted by V View Post
          Joe Snuffy is not going to want to pay a $20,000 fine because Jakerb and Zoey can't be bothered with a babysitter! Fuck them and their skewed views on parenting!
          With the money my darling Ms. Deschanel makes, we can absolutely afford a babysitter. So there.
          "Here, young man, your hormones are raging. Let's go in this bedroom, and we'll engage in some homosexual acts. You'll find you like it." - Rep. Ken Peterson, R-Billings

          "You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one." - Don Draper


