Penny's been having a bad day. Well, bad for her, humorous for us...
This morning she fell into the toilet(thankfully it was clean water) and this afternoon she tried to jump into the window, missed and landed in her water dish. Poor little princess is traumatized.
Mortal Sin is a registered trademark of the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church. Hallelujah. ~Iggy
Pretty sure my younger dog is a dog racist. He generally doesn't have a problem with other dogs but any time he sees a Corgi he flips out and starts using a big dog bark. It's weird.
We are either giving Ditto to Brittany's grandparents or I need to find a terrier rescue for her this week. She can be sweet, but the ratio of good dog to barking/yelping/fighting/shitting/pissing is unbearable. As much as she annoys me it still makes me sad.
Just found out my sister's dog, Riley, isn't doing so well. He's 12 or so and a big boy for a Brittany. Because of that, it's been getting harder and harder for him to get around and we all knew the time was coming. Well, I guess my brother-in-law called last night and told my parents that Riley's gall bladder is enlarged and they don't know that surgery will work. This is going to be a rough couple of days...
Mortal Sin is a registered trademark of the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church. Hallelujah. ~Iggy