Originally posted by Lisa
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Later in the evening Ditto was laying down in front of the couch between Britt and I. Gucci came walking over from the kitchen, saw Ditto, and went the long way around the table and ottoman to get to me. Ditto ran to the end of the table to cut Gucci off and started growling and barking at Gucci to back off. Obviously this didn't play and I gave Ditto a pop and told her NO (she's knows what NO means, that's for sure).
This morning she got up with me, asked for some petting, then got some food and water (which is good, because I didn't see her eat/drink at all yesterday. I gave her one of the meatballs we made just so I knew she ate something) and crawled back to her pillow.
Neither of us are close to throwing in the towel, but we're concerned about how alpha she is. Brittany said yesterday her co-worker (the former owner's son) opened up about ow much of a loner and alpha dog she is. I think if we knew this before we would never have considered it with how passive Gucci is. Brittany said if Ditto ever attacks Gucci and hurts him she will get rid of him without a second guess, but we are hoping it doesn't come to that.