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  • Naw man, they're rocking Hi-Luxes over there!


    • Let’s see if Vlad is dumb enough to use one single



      • Something tells me, he goes for it and then the FSB finds him after he suffered a horrible accident.

        But, let's say worst case fucking scenario. He drops a tactical nuke in the heart of Ukraine, given the range maybe hits the outskirts of Kiev.

        Putin kills 1 million within the blast and initial fallout. He destroys Asia and Eastern Europe's food supply. Not to mention the backup wheat and grain for the Middle East and parts of East Africa.
        China (who already is in the middle of a banking crisis) goes full 1989 on steroids over this.

        Putin dies brutally.

        Putin does nothing, but keeps sending Russian men to die....Putin dies brutally.

        There's only one way this ends and it's not with a shirtless pony ride.
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        • Pretty much my assessment too.

          Beside, my guess is NATO could actually involve itself in a non-nuclear way to control the situation while the FSB cleans house. Air control, etc.

          The open fact that the new conscripts are openly sent straight to the front with no training and no rations might be what pushes Russia to throw him out.


          • And now any attack on the newly “annexed” “Russian” “territories” will be considered an attack on Russia.*

            Nice play of Russia being the abusive husband who plays victim when he get slapped back.

            Ukraine should call it’s counterstrikes “special military operations”.

            *Crimea counts too? Cause Ukraine might get it back.



            • Most, if not all, of the planet is pretty much telling Putin that his annexations are illegal as fuck and won't play ball.


              • Crimea will be liberated.

                Putin dies on any timeline.

                and China's banking crisis continues to be this giant ticking bomb that so many are ignoring. Mainly because China is really, really good at keeping details from leaking to world media.
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                • Well China have their own version of the “Russian Window”….

                  I’m curious how the markets will react when the Chinese crisis pops out.


                  • There was a story that a Quebec-based russian chick undra false Id was getting close to Trump a year ago. I think I said that.

                    Anyway, her handler got shot today. Not in Montreal, in the NY equivalent of the Catskills.



                    • Apparently, some Hong Kong elite are getting mad about the Banking Crisis spilling over into HK.

                      For those that don't know, the crisis is that China was counting on a lot of major investment projects coming to fruition. Between the Pandemic, their lingering lockdowns, the Russian failure and US didn't work out so good.

                      So, around the end of August, Beijing told the national investment market this.

                      Your investments aren't your money anymore, they are an investment in national security and China's future. So, thank you for the money. Several businesses, upper class, etc said WHAT THE FUCK, THAT'S OUR MONEY.

                      China said THERE'S NO WE IN COMMUNISM.

                      So, the people started throwing Molotovs at seized banks and rioting.

                      Now, the government is stepping up enforcement as they prepare to do the same in Hong Kong proper.
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                      • How Bloomberg and the Western media initially started covering it:


                        Now, it wasn't so much a scam as much as it was Beijing got caught stealing money.
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                        • More:


                          People keep tap dancing around it, but in China the problem hasn't stopped. But, no bank operates without State Approval and Control.

                          So, they're literally doing these arrest sweeps every 2-3 weeks and then releasing them days later. While the problem spreads.
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                          • What makes it so fucking crazy is that all of the fraud and hits keep happening in these rural areas. Everyone investigating knows it is the government triggering it, nobody stays arrested. They refunded 500,000 one week and then 2.5 mil goes missing the next.
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                            • To put it in historical perspective and using the current story that Beijing is selling as a framework.

                              It would like in America during the Depression, if FDR used Al Capone to illegally siphon farmer money to pay for WWII.
                              My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand

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                              • So...when does the house of cards come crashing down?
                                Originally posted by Martin
                                Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
                                Originally posted by gravedigger
                                Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
                                Originally posted by Martin
                                And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
                                Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?

