It's every bit as substantial as it is stylish. Judging from all the unrest in the cinema, this went totally over the heads of most of the people I saw it with, but that didn't diminish my enjoyment one jot. It's fantastic. Beautiful. Filled with great performances. A stellar soundtrack.
I deliberately didn't read much about it beforehand and I'm very glad because the violence wouldn't have been nearly as effective if I'd known it was coming. Gosling really impressed me. He carries it so comfortably it's just a joy to behold. Mulligan, as always, delivers. It would be so easy to gush over this for a few hundred words. But, like the film itself, I'm gonna go for a more understated approach and just leave it at that.
I am so glad I have the Drafthouse. If I had to suffer multiplexes I don't think I would be going to the movies very much at all.
The crowd I had with this tonight scrunched its way through its belongings and popcorn with grating tedium. They coughed. They talked. They stretched and got up to go for a dander or probably go home because this didn't have enough "talking" for them. I don't mean to sound like a snob because, as I've said countless times before, I'm the guy who loves Robot Jox (without irony) and stuff like this in exactly the same way. But audiences like them make me appreciate just how great places like the Cornerhouse in Manchester are. They're absolutely invaluable for maximizing experiences like this film offers.
"The bear is a solitary animal. They like their space. They live in a magic circle. They don't mind if you're, like, a mile away. But if you get inside their circle, they will maul you." -Anonymous