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Close Encounters at the End of the World: THE THING PREQUEL
I got an Alien sort of vibe from the final scene.
The lighting, the drop of the soundtrack to only MEW's breathing, and the sort of dark/wet/steam aesthetic of the corridor.
All of it kind of gave me an acid flashback to Ellen Ripley's Funhouse.
Granted, it was very quick and therefore robbed of its potential in a teaser, but that snippet won me over.Me quick one want slow
Yeah, this seems like it might be good for some scares, if not totally derivative of the original. Think it was /film that said how can you not think this is a remake, because how much can you do with such a confined movie. Regardless, Edgerton should be good, and Miss Winstead owns my heart so I'll check it out.
The one issue I have is with that obviously CG face-split shot.
I really hope for a practical effects orgy, but fear the ease of execution in CG being too attractive to pass up for the parties involved.
Anyway, I'll see it because I have an (Tuck) Everlasting boner for MEW and the basic desert island, marooned murder mystery guest-starring chameleonic alien lifeforms aspect.Me quick one want slow