Morbidly ain't a strong enough word. This is Cool As Ice-bad, and not as funny. It also has Alyssa Milano... and Asian god Al Leong and my favorite creep of the genre, Michael Berryman.
EDIT: Your newfound fascination with the Double Dragon movie is akin to a kid who wants to be hit by lightning. Sounds cool on paper, but is not in reality.
Morbidly ain't a strong enough word. This is Cool As Ice-bad, and not as funny. It also has Alyssa Milano... and Asian god Al Leong and my favorite creep of the genre, Michael Berryman.
EDIT: Your newfound fascination with the Double Dragon movie is akin to a kid who wants to be hit by lightning. Sounds cool on paper, but is not in reality.
I won't waste my time, then. I'm getting a TMNT II: THE SECRET OF THE OOZE vibe from those pics. In others words, I'LL STAY FAR, FAR AWAY.