Beyond his classic work as Roy in Yew Brade Runnah, there were two that I watched whenever they were on.
And they were almost never on.
Crossworlds and Split Second.
Crossworlds was awesome, because dimension-jumping using a rain stick is the sort of novelty power everyone wished they had back in the 90s. And Rutger Hauer knew the fuck outta dimension-jumping with a rain stick. I wanted that rain stick.
Split Second is still kind of cool for a variety of reasons. The parts don't create a very impressive whole, but the atmosphere, the setting of a foggy Londontown going to shit as the sea levels rise, and stoic-as-fuck Rutger Hauer wearing Morpheus shades before The Brother and Transgender Wachowski deemed them cool for school whilst fighting an invisible organ-eating killer (which turns out to be a knock-off xenomorph)? Come on, that shit is awesome.
Toecutter isn't as bad when you listen to him with his actual voice/Australian accent. The dubbed voice for American audiences is way, way, WAAAAY over the top with a hamminess that simply isn't there originally. Same thing with Johnny, Goose, and Fifi (especially Fifi)...whoever directed the voice actors for the American dub should be shot.
That being said, I don't think it's a Shite film at all. It's a low-budget, valiant first effort, with a lot more technical skill behind the camera than a lot of higher-budget films.
The dubbed version stays.
Also, Shite Sci-fi encompasses varying degrees of shite. We've got your whole, your half & half, your one and two percenters, and skim shit levels. Max was at least a 2 percenter.
Last edited by Captain Russ; 04-19-2011, 01:42 PM.
Whilst my knowledge of the 90s and late 80s genre trappings is rather robust, does anyone know of a film where inanity was the name of the game, even though the production had an impressive budget?
Not a huge bomb or anything, but something that got a lot of backing but was ultimately a turd?
I know I am being incredibly vague, but I'm kind of in the mode to observe the elder statesmen of the genre at work.
I remember 'the Blood of Heroes'. It actually wasn't THAT bad, if I remember correctly. It's not great by any means but it's also not a complete embarrassment.
Originally posted by Martin
Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
Originally posted by gravedigger
Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
Originally posted by Martin
And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?