Watched The World's End last night. Loved it. So much. UP there with Shaun and much better than Hot Fuzz IMO. Some of those fights were fucking GLORIOUS. Loved the ending as well.
"Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG
"Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson
The wife had never seen this (or any Bruce Lee movie, for that matter), so it was fun to watch this with her. Sure, it suffers from 'cheesy 70s movie' syndrome and is very dated, but it's still quite a bit of fun. Bruce is so much damned fun to watch in his fight scenes, and my wife was laughing at just how fucking FAST he was to watch (especially in his fight with O'Hara).
Good fun, and the wife liked it more than she thought she would.
Originally posted by Martin
Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
Originally posted by gravedigger
Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
Originally posted by Martin
And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?
I just picked up the Criterion Zatoichi boxset. Fucking amazing and it's not a gigantic size. Criterion has packaged it just right, so it can fit on a shelf.
My readers come to me for my thoughts and opinions. I've built myself into a brand
I just picked up the Criterion Zatoichi boxset. Fucking amazing and it's not a gigantic size. Criterion has packaged it just right, so it can fit on a shelf.
I think this was speaking very personally to some things I went through in the last 18 months, but it felt very honest and in that regard this really caught me off guard. One of the best 'romantic comedies' I've seen in years. I hate to call it that, because that implies that it belongs with the Jennifer Aniston and Kate Hudson movies and it most definitely does not, though it is both surprisingly funny and genuinely romantic.
One of the reasons it stands apart from those other films is Rashida Jones' wonderful performance. She manages to do what most other romantic female leads are incapable of and be both charmingly silly and vulnerable without coming across as weak or petty. There's a scene at a wedding where she gets up slightly drunk to give a speech that I feared was going to destroy the good faith the film had earned up to that point - Jones' performance, the gorgeous photography and some carefully balanced writing helped deliver one of the film's emotional high points.
There's some slightly extraneous stuff around a Miley Cyrus-alike subplot (especially as Emma Roberts continues to prove to be a vacuum of charm and talent) and the 'quirky' stuff with Andy Samberg will likely put some people off from the outset. It didn't bother me in the slightest and the rest of the film did everything so well that I found this to be genuinely moving and a good notch above similarly pitched quirky indies and comedies.
I experienced an invasion of my mind by a transcendentally rational mind, as if I had been insane all my life and suddenly I had become sane.
I noticed that one recently, Ben. Definitely want to add it to my queue now.
It's on the European Netflix, Billy. I don't know how much overlap there is on titles between our respective versions, though. The Euro selection seems modest by comparison.
"The bear is a solitary animal. They like their space. They live in a magic circle. They don't mind if you're, like, a mile away. But if you get inside their circle, they will maul you." -Anonymous