I forgot how badass the single player campaign can be. I'm taking a run at Veteran difficulty again. I was stuck on the "raid six houses to find Al-Asad" bit forever but managed to make it through tonight. Of course, I also forgot how hard this game likes to kick you in the sack. The asshole level where you have to hump it up to the barn only to be told you have to head all the way back down the hill pisses me off even more now.
I'm not looking forward to dealing with the "fighting in the war room" level. Or even getting to that point. The part where you're in the missile silos was a dirty hooker on normal. I can't imagine what it will be like on Veteran.
Veteran, on the first play through the campaign, is the only way to go. (Yeah, I'm the idiot who does that, did it on WaW too, although I regret doing that for WaW)
"With all the dick sucking and butt fucking jokes we make, this is the gayest thing ever posted on BDR. Even Howard cringed from behind his laptop playing Gilmore Girls." -BillyG
See, I like to see all of the story at least once without getting totally frustrated. I can appreciate those who like to be ass-raped right from the start but that's not for me.