Dude I know and it's infuriating. It's like she doesn't even try. I'm trying tactics and I've made different decks and everything and I still lose. ARGHGHGHGHGHGHGH!!! She just places cards down and beats me everytime. EVERY TIME!!!!
"Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG
"Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson
HAHA! Sarah used to kick my ass at the Star Wars: Epic Duels board game. That game is pretty damn cool, too bad it was never expanded to use episode 3 charaters.
It was a lot more simple than that. Just a stand alone board game with 4 different boards and characters from all 5 of the films. You'd pick a main character and get a secondary character too, like if you picked Luke, you also got Leia. Each character had a deck of cards which you'd use to attack the other players. It was pretty well balanced, with some great attacks. If I rememebr correctly, you could use;
Han and Chewie
Luke and Leia
Emperor and 2 Royal guards
Yoda and 2 Clonetroopers
Obi Wan and 2 Clonetroopers
Mace Windu and 2 Clonetroopers
Darth Maul and 2 battledroids
Count Dooku and 2 super battledroids
Vader and 2 Stormtroopers
Jango and Zam
Boba and Greedo
Anakin and Padme
and one more set I do believe
We'd pick our characters randomly, so you never knew if you were going to get the Emperor or Jango. Luke and Leia were the lamest of the game. All the other Jedi/Sith were pretty badass.
Fuck yes. Cj announced on the new podcast (that will be up later tonight) that he finally got this game. So if you have a hankering to kill him over and over, make sure to add him.
Cj's tag: Dr Zombie PHD
Add him!
"Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG
"Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson