The sword mission, you'll know it, is sooooooooooo weird. And I just do not get some of the design. Ammo gets so scarce...and then the enemies are MASSIVE bullet sponges. And they sell those ammo refill packs, but you don't have a ton of money to spend on those AND you can't map a consumable to a button. You have to go into options, open inventory, use the item, and exit back out...all while the game is moving because there's no pause. And if you die? Go back to check point, and have fun fighting again...but with less ammo because we don't refill your ammo! It's silly. There should be ammo crates around the world or something. At least where they have scripted big boss bottles.
The combat is still amazing, but man, there's some WEIRD design choices.
The combat is still amazing, but man, there's some WEIRD design choices.