Since people like to do the "I'm going to list every movie I watch this year" thing, I've decided to document the games I've played/beaten this year instead. My goal is to play more games and beat the games I buy. This will be a way to document my successes and failures this year in gaming.
- Uncharted 3 -BEATEN : Sticking with the same formula as the other two, this game was one beautiful game to look at and one pain in the ass and annoying game at the same time. Like in other entries in the series, Naughty Dog decides that the last 1/3 of the game needs to have stupid fucking annoying new enemies that disrupt the flow. While this game has some amazing set pieces, it doesn't come close to the awesomeness that was the second one.
- Lollipop Chainsaw - BEATEN : Suda 51 teams up with James Gunn to create a ridiculously short yet interesting mashup of a game. Taking elements from God of War (fighting combos), RPGS (purchasing items to level up your skills/health, etc), and shout outs to classic horror movies (Fulci, George Romero, Carpenter, etc), this game succeeds mostly because it doesn't take itself seriously at all. While some of the writing is ridiculous misogynistic, Juliet takes that shit in stride and fucks up zombies with ease. The boss fights are pretty fun and the voice acting is great. You can't go wrong with Michael Rooker as a demonized Viking who calls you a bitch constantly. Much more fun than the shitty Shadows of the Damned, Lollipop Chainsaw deserves to be played by anyone who is a fan of the horror genre and James Gunn. Plus you can totally beat this game in under 6 hours.
- Street Fighter X Tekken - BEATEN : Yeah, it's a fighting game and to beat one isn't a big deal. But I technically beat it a few times with different characters. The mixture of SF and Tekken guys is a weird one that somehow works. Mostly due to the fact that all the moves have been Street Fighterized which helps people jump in and play. The gem combo system is a neat addition allowing some extra customization to your character picks and the tag team formula adds some extra oomph to the slightly tired SF genre. Plus you can grab this for like 20 bucks now at Best Buy.
- Sound Shapes -BEATEN : One of my new favorite PSN titles. This platformer/music game is both amazing and addictive at the same time. Really enjoying the different albums you can play through and the ability to create your own levels is a blast. Ceej and I were trying to create the hardest levels we could the other night and were laughing our asses off as we both tried to play each others levels. Highly Recommended.
- Final Fantasy IX - PLAYING: I just started this up last night. I played it a bit back when it first came out but haven't touched it since. This is how Final Fantasy should be. Filled with interesting characters, races, and just plain weirdness. None of the hyper real bullshit that has been coming out since FF10 hit. I love having a Black Mage in my party, a weird Tranny looking Knight, and playing a monkey man as a main character is great. This game is one of my goals for 2013. I will beat this dammit.
- Halo 4 - BEATEN - I say it's tied with Reach for being the best game in the series. That ending was badfuckingass.