Yep, that's the route I went and what I saw. I really liked it. I'd like to replay it eventually to see the other ending. Oh, one other thing-
Spoiler: goodbye
what did you do with your mom? Did you end her suffering? When her speech ended and you're left in the room I wondered if that would be an option. I did it. If felt really weird to do but I knew it was the right choice.
SO MANY COLLECTIBLES in Mirror's Edge. What the fuck, DICE?
It's a lot of fun, though. But The timing on some of the deliveries is total bullshit. I was doing one, and had what I thought was a perfect line considering where I needed to go and failed by like half a second SO MANY TIMES.
Played a bunch of Titanfall this weekend for funsies. Still such a great game even with only like 5k people playing it at any moment.
Almost beat the Deacons of the Deep in Dark Souls 3 this weekend. Each time I would get so close ONLY to get cursed. At one point I thought I was going to pass out from how fast my heart was beating. Hope to finally kill those fucks this week (since Lesley will be in Denver all week).
Got a bit further in Arkham Knight. Stuck on a mission that is annoying me and has been for months.
Tried to get into Mad Max again (started over because I wasn't that far to begin with) but man it just doesn't do much for me at the moment. Way too slow of a beginning to hook me in which is a shame. Hopefully at some point I'll make it past the beginning and will actually get further.
Uncharted 4 is a bit of chore for me at the moment. Need to get excited about it again but all I can think about is Dark Souls 3.
"Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG
"Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson
Yeah, Mad Max needs to move like...3 times as fast. Upgrades are SO DAMN SLOW and collecting shit for each zone is a huge fucking chore. I got super into it...but like 8 hours in and by then I kind of wanted it to be close to over.
I jumped into Titanfall for like an hour last night. Yup. Still outstanding.
Mad Max is good, embrace the collect-athon. Also once you start upgrading the car it gets a lot more enjoyable. Thing is weak, slow AF and hard to drive out the gate.
Finished Uncharted, so I went out and picked up Overwatch. Played a bunch Friday night with some friends, had a ton of 'play of the game's so I must be doing something right. Pretty fun so far
I don't get to play much but if you see me on Overwatch PLEASE invite. I'd love to play it with communication AND a strategy of any kind as its great already without that.
"Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci