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  • Maxed out the Merchant Alliance/Gold Holders/Order of Souls groups to 75 last night. Almost 40 with the Reapers and almost 30 with the Hunters (the hardest). Feels good man. They released an updated website yesterday so you can keep track of everything in game which is awesome. They're gearing up for some new missions for people who are pirate legends which is cool.

    We are almost done with the tall tales as well but still need to beat them all 4 more times each to get the gold holder's curse but that can be done slowly.

    Love this game. Pirates are the best.
    "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

    "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


    • According to the ingame stats I've only puked 86 times and fought a Meg 90+ times. Both of those seem far too low. Especially since the odds of finding the most rare item in the game (Shrouded Ghost Meg) is like 1/532. It's obviously our Moby Dick.
      "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

      "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


      • Last night's Sea shenanigans with my bro and his friend was fucking hilarious and profitable. I joined up after Ari and I quit playing and they already had a decent amount of loot on the ship. We then wiped a server clean of all other players and stole everything from them and their flags and then we fucked a Kraken up which gave us a TON of loot. I was just cooking all of the kraken meat to sell when Ryan said he saw a level 5 merchant ahead and what do we want to do? We decided to give chase and were just shooting warning canonballs when the dudes on the other ship started talking shit about how "sweaty" we were (which that whole bemoaning gamers who "try hard" never made yeah no shit I'm trying to win....) which triggered Ryan's inner troll and he decided that we were going to do nothing but chase these fuckers until they gave up. After about 40 mins they ended up in the red sea (the in game "border" where if you stay in it you will die until you get back to that actual game) and when they turned we were ready. Ryan shot himself over to their ship and fucking decimated them in pvp while Riley and I were taking their masts down with chainshots and putting holes in their boat.

        While the other dudes were respawning, Ryan kept fixing their boat so it wouldn't sink. They'd then respawn, talk shit, and then die. They did this for like 35 minutes at least while I was just transferring their loot to our boat. During this I just hear Ryan and Riley talking to them (at the time i couldn't hear the other dudes) about how they brought this on themselves, and now who's "sweaty", and shit like that. I figured out how to easily jump into game chat instead of party mode and these dudes WERE RAGING. Calling us faggots, worse things, etc.... Meanwhile my team is just lol'ing and calling them normal pirate names like scallywag and shit which then would make the other dudes rage even harder. One dude just yelled FUUUUCCCKKK KYOOOUUUUUUU before rage quitting and then his buddy yelled at us for ruining his night and that he only gets a few hours a night, yadda yadda yadda, that it's bullshit we attacked them if we weren't flying the reaper flag, yaaddaa yadda yadda...

        We just laughed and were like "don't start none, won't be none". We didn't need their shit but when you see a level 5 emissary of any type and think you can take it, you take it.

        Leveled up my Reaper alliance shit, made like 200k, and had a blast.

        TL;DR - Sea of Thieves is the best RPG out there that doesn't have a single stat involved.
        "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

        "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


        • Ari and I were talking and some of you people with Game Pass should try this out with us for a few hours. Even if you tried it before and weren't a fan it makes a huge difference when you play with a decent and fun loving crew like the 'Poonin Party Pirates.
          "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

          "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


          • Got a $500 "bonus" from work, which was "pick a $500 gift card." A bunch of chain restaurants, some plane stuff (didn't use that bc this is tied to a company account, so if I quit in the coming months I'd never use it) and Target. So I asked Sarah and she said whatever you want, it's your bonus. If it's not cash we can't really use it for the house.

            So I checked stock, and there was a Series X at the Target by me. So I bought a second Series X for the living room. Now I won't be spending 16 hours a day in my office because it's where I work and then come hang out in the evening to play games. Sarah plays 3 nights of Dungeons and Dragons every week, so on those nights I can hang out on the couch playing Xbox. Cannot wait.


            • nice. Lesley is gonna buy us a second series X so we can have two in the living room for our Sea of Thieves set up. Can't wait. Makes such a difference it's ridiculous.

              Speaking of Sea, we finished the tall tales this weekend, took down Gold Hoarder, and saved the seas. It was fucking awesome.

              And then it was double xp/gold on Sunday so Lesley and I banked like a million gold and then ended up starting a new game with Ari and Ceej, commandeered a galleon, and made an alliance with two other groups of people. Made a ton of loot before a high level Reaper started chasing us but they weren't paying attention and got some skelly ships attention which caused them to stop chasing us for enough time that we turned everything in and shut down our emissary. They ended up killing us but wasted 30 mins of their time and gear and all they got from us was an empty treasure chest a few pieces of food.

              Good times.

              Sailing a gally is hard as fuck but our crew did really well all things considered. Fun time. Love this game soooooo much.
              "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

              "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


              • Decided to reinstall CoD Infinite Warfare as I wanted a sci-fi shooter and I never made it that far when it came out. Color me surprised that I'm digging the shit outta this atm. Took on a moon base or some shit and then flew away on my ship before taking on more ships in a crazy space battle. Fun stuff.
                "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                • I always read the campaign was really good, but I've never seen it below like $30 so I haven't grabbed it.


                  • yeah, it's actually pretty fucking awesome so far. Not sure why I bounced off of it so quickly when it came out.

                    Finished Chapter 3 in The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk and still having fun with it. Still makes me laugh out loud and the battles are getting harder. dig it.
                    "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                    "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                    • The Infinite Warfare campaign was great.

                      I did the Modern Warfare redux campaign. Beside the London levels, fucking bland.

                      Finally finished Control.



                      • Melenia is dead, but I cannot get the Elden Beast. And it's almost impossible to get a summon for help. Like 1 in 50 summons actually go through. I started tinkering with other builds hoping to find a solution, but I am close to going full comet azur cheese on it.


                        • Had a blast this weekend with Lesley and Ari being pirates. Leveled up a bunch and have a bunch of new cosmetics. Woooot. New adventure hits this week. Can't wait.
                          "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                          "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                          • Beat the House of Ashes entry in the Dark Pictures Anthology this weekend. Finally. Wanted to clear some space and realized I never finished. Dug the ending I got (suck it Tisdale...didn't realize I could have done something else with her but again, suck it) . Nothing has reached the highs of Until Dawn but I've had fun with each of these. REally hope The Quarry is more Until Dawn and less of the Dark Pictures however.
                            "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                            "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                            • Goddamn. Elden Ring patch just buffed all kinds of shit. Colossal weapons got a big buff, which has been my choice so far.


                              • I'll probably pick that up on sale at some point. I had a blast with Dark Souls 3 until I got stuck near the end but I really just want a remastered/NEW/or upgraded Bloodborne.

                                The videos I've seen for Elden seem like I may dig it but I've been playing nothing but Sea of Thieves with my free time for the most part. Lesley and are killing it. She's a goddamn beast. She played last night while I was working and finished up some mermaid shrines. She was in the process of taking all of her loot (a ton, PLUS the special piece you can only get if you find a particular quest in a bottle) to an outpost to turn in when I hear "OH NO. FUCKK. GODDAMMIT. NOOOO". On her way to the outpost a Skelly sloop spawned and started to straight fuck her shit up. She thought she was a goner but I walked her through it. Not gonna lie, I too thought she was gonna sink and lose all of her loot BUT I recently learned some good tips on soloing and what she should do. So the skelly sloop was keeping pace with her boat and just shooting the shit out of it. Most people will stop what they're doing to go fix the holes but I told her to just bucket out some water until it's near the bottom, if you have a chance fix one hole, then get back up and starting shooting the other boat if you can. She was doing this and at some point the skelly sloop started using special balls (shit like dropping anchor, raising sails, making you drunk, making you sleep, etc) and I thought it was over....

                                The water was up to the map table but she was fucking bucketing water like her life depended on it. Told her to quickly run up and hit her own anchor so the skelly sloop would have to turn their boat to get a good shot which would give her some extra time to fix any holes. IT worked. She fixed most of the holes, raised her anchor and continued to the outpost. The skelly ship wouldn't stop chasing her so I told her to just ram the fucknig dock, drop anchor, and start getting your loot off so it wouldn't sink. She did that and the skelly sloop can only then just circle the island and keep shooting but while it's doing that you can fix your shit, get loot off, or set up your ship to go after it. She chose to just get her loot of t he boat so it could be turned in, I joined her crew, the skelly ship left the outpost to chase something else, and we turned in all of her shit and I got credit as well.

                                She said her heart was racing like a mofucker after and I was like I AM SO PROUD, YOU DID IT OMG. She felt good, I felt good. It felt good man.
                                "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                                "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson

