ITT Rob and I talk about how we'll be buying this on launch day and how haters gonna hate.
I wasn't really sold on the system until I watched the software launch trailer. Holy cats, there be a lotta games I need to play. I don't care if the StarFox game is a port of the N64 title. That was probably the most-played game I had. And Professor Layton? FUCK YES.
Admittedly, if the launch price is too fucked up I'll probably wait a couple months but as soon as that Professor Layton game is released I'm buying one.
I wasn't really sold on the system until I watched the software launch trailer. Holy cats, there be a lotta games I need to play. I don't care if the StarFox game is a port of the N64 title. That was probably the most-played game I had. And Professor Layton? FUCK YES.
Admittedly, if the launch price is too fucked up I'll probably wait a couple months but as soon as that Professor Layton game is released I'm buying one.