One shot = sleepytime for a couple of hours. Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom approved!
If only I could get the dosage right. Don't want them down forever, just today. I feel bad because I know they miss mom and dad but they've got to behave. I won't have them taint my kids with their crazy antics just because their mom and dad let them get away with murder.
"Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci
Naw he's had better gear for a while. Dude has no job, plays WoW all damn day until he goes into basic training for the air force. He's got a full gladiator set, then got into a guild and started raiding Firelands. He told me he wasn't even highest roller. Someone won it, then left the raid before rolls finished, and he got awarded it. ARRRRRGHHHHHHHHH
That's reassuring. Of course I've got to get these kids out of my house before I can even begin my gear grind. I hate being the only people in the family that do nice shit for the rest of the family. I mean it's the right thing to do in this situation but fuuuuuuuuuu these kids are soooooooooo bad. We've got them almost behaving at this point and to know it's all going to be undone by the weekend uggggh.
I picture them being like the kid who writes "FART" on H.I.'s wall in Raising Arizona.
The little girl falls out in the floor screaming if I walk in the same room as her. For no reason other than to get my wife to pick her up. I should have recorded her reaction when I snuck up & said boo. Priceless.
"Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci
AHHH YEAH got shoulders and my badass sword tonight. Best part, tank won the sword, and gave it to me thinking I was second best roll. I was third. fuck yes
Are you guys finding it a little bit ridiculous that there have been not one, not two, but three gear resets this expansion? When Cata first came out, we got the "questing greens" that were better than your Wrath tier pieces, then we got the whole "your tier set that you could only buy with Valor points? Now you can buy it with Justice points!". With these new instances, the quest rewards gave me so much iLevel 378 gear that my gear score is almost at a point where I can raid. Quest rewards. For fuck sakes this game.
This is my main dude. I only have one shitty trinket, the rest of my gear is epic, and climbing. Because I have been doing one heroic a day, I actually had enough Valor points to get the Naonprecise Cape... iLevel 397!!!
No Mike, because that's been every single WoW version/expansion. Every time we have had three sets of gear. They've just been getting better and allowing different ways for everyone to get up into the top tiers of gear. It's very similar to how they did WOTLK, except they offer more valor gear in this final tier plus LFR.
No Mike, because that's been every single WoW version/expansion. Every time we have had three sets of gear. They've just been getting better and allowing different ways for everyone to get up into the top tiers of gear. It's very similar to how they did WOTLK, except they offer more valor gear in this final tier plus LFR.
Just because I expected it to happen doesn't mean it's any less ridiculous :P The Wrath heroic shuffle was ridiculous at the end, all of the instances could be done in minutes except for the crazy mage/azure dragon one.