How can this be?
They have fucking badges and cheevs and all sorts of distracting crap that serves no other purpose than to keep your bootycheeks firmly affixed to your gaming throne for days, weeks, months, and even years on end.
Grinding used to be completely relegated to reputations and leveling (which took forever and felt fucking earned (heirlooms? what they do?)).
I may sound like an old fuck, and I am, but this new shit terrifies me. I FEAR CHANGE.
They have fucking badges and cheevs and all sorts of distracting crap that serves no other purpose than to keep your bootycheeks firmly affixed to your gaming throne for days, weeks, months, and even years on end.
Grinding used to be completely relegated to reputations and leveling (which took forever and felt fucking earned (heirlooms? what they do?)).
I may sound like an old fuck, and I am, but this new shit terrifies me. I FEAR CHANGE.