Damn, do I have some expectations to live up to or what? I've never posted video online before, so I'll let you know when I finish the first episode, Rob. It'll only be about 5 minutes an episode. I'm going to put up bios of Billy and Todd later, so everyone can get a feel for the two morons.
Billy is a morbidly obese loaf of a man (he swears it?s glandular), who tries with all his might to prove that his taste in film should be regarded as brilliant. It is not. Billy is prone to make a complete fool of himself, and usually remains clueless to the fact that his opinions are pure ass. He is loud and obnoxious, and rarely does he ever make a point humanity would agree with. He believes that his comic and film genius should be shared with the world, and he thinks we are laughing with him. He thinks wrong.
Todd is the more silent one of the duo, but that?s more due to the fact that he?s usually heavily medicated because of his very special ?fondness? of chickens. He loves to rape ?em. Todd usually agrees to whatever Billy says, but he?s known to have his own opinions every once in a while. It?s seldom, but it happens. Todd really lights up when, at the end of each show, he gets to open his treasure chest and reveal what new hidden surprise awaits. Just don?t call Todd Billy?s sidekick. He really hates that.
Episode 1 will be entitled: Boycott Iron Man People!