Got my Fury Road Taylor print. STill debating the Mitchell ones as well because after buying that Skeletor one and seeing it in person, the images online do his work no justice.
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Movie Posters
finally hung up some more prints this weekend. Really bummed that a few prints are a tad warped since I can't afford the hundred+ bucks to get them framed properly. Oh well, wasn't planning on selling them anyways.
Hoth looks pimp on our stairwell though."Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG
"Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson
I looked for the one this weekend. You can keep your Stouts and your Horkeys, that is my top ISO and it will never happen.
I don't do the custom framing either because spending a hojillion dollars isn't my thing. I think it would be cheaper to buy some entry- to mid-level tools and do it myself. I know how I want to frame my Minute Walts and it would probably cost $500.
It drives me nuts. I really don't get how his stuff goes for so much money. "You have to see it in person." Well, I have the Guardians LP and I still don't get it. Vector lines aren't art. I feel like we finally saw the emperor's new clothes with that Alien poster.
But my favorites are Kelly, Tong, Taylor, and Shaw so what do I know?