Recommend me some beer. Wisconsin is Minnesota. Whatever.
If you get any of the Brooklyn Brewery stuff there, I very much recommend the Brooklyn Brown. It's similar to Newcastle, but with more of a stout finish to it.
"DO. DO lots of cocaine. DO."
- Relationship Guru Matt.
Tried some Troegs Nugget Nectar last night. This was very, very good. It was a lot like the Stone Ruination IPA, which is a favorite of mine. Hop bitterness up front, balanced by a clean, fruity malty finish. Nice thick, chewy texture as well. The Stone is maybe just a little bit better, as it has more pronounced piney and grapefruit hops aromas/flavors, but the Troegs will fill the bill nicely if you can't get Stone.
I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.
I'm drinking some Lagunitas Undercover Investigation Shut Down Ale. The carrier says they brewed this "especially bitter ale in remembrance of the 2005 St. Patrick's Day Massacre. . . and in celebration of [their] 20 day suspension in January, 2006". I wasn't even sure going into this store that I was going to buy something other than a soda for the trip back home from an appearance in Red Bank, but a beer with a name & backstory like that had to be worth it, amirite? So far, "especially bitter" sums it up pretty well. Lots of big, piney & citrusy hop flavor. with little to no malt to balance it out. If you don't like bitter beer. you won't like this. But as a fan of the occasional biter, hop heavy morsel (particularly when drinking outside, on a chilly rainy night w/ a cigar, as I am currently imbibing), this is a particularly good bitter beer specimen. And at 9.87% ABV, I'm sure 2 will turn the trick on a Wed. night just fucking fine.
I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.