Originally posted by B_MetalSucks
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PS Has anyone tried a WENDY'S BACONATOR? I went to AVATAR last week or so, and before we left I went to the food court WENDY'S to get food. It was my only chance to get dinner that night since my friends were dropping me off at my house, so I decided to buy as big a burger as I could afford. I bought a "tripple". By the time I was in the car and trying to eat it in the dark on the way home, I discovered I'd made a tragic mistake. It was a big greasy ball of meat and dripping cheese, all atop a rapidly melting soggy bun. It got all over my hands, and before it got on my friend's car I had to throw it out the window And I really hate to litter. It's ironic... by trying to buy a large burger for optimal nutrition, I ended up getting less food (because the burger was unmanageable) than I would have eaten if I'd gotten a more reasonably sized burger.
*I'm not kidding, I even pick up the litter of others