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HBO's Generation Kill

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  • #16
    And then flipped it around when he said he used to write for Hustler.
    "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

    "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


    • #17
      The sheer amount of incompetence on display in this show is so depressing. I don't know what it says about me that I find that much less bearable than the camels being shot for no reason or any of the other senseless violence.


      • #18
        Ok, just watched the second episode. We both can't decide if we like this show or not. I'm kind of bored throughout minus a few mins here or there. After growing up in a Military family, this kind of shit infuriates me. So unprofessional. And I really hate like 90% of the fucking people on this. And I think it's hilarious that Eric from Malcolm in the Middle is fucking tard commander or whatever with the AK.
        "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

        "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


        • #19
          I'm watching tonight...I hope it's not as bad as it seems so far. Good thing is that I don't have high hopes now.
          Instagram: thepatronsaintofcheeseburgers


          • #20
            Rob, please tell us about your narrow escape from the service!
            Blog Time!

            Reporter: "Is Ringo Starr the best drummer in the world?"
            John Lennon: "Ringo isn't even the best drummer in The Beatles."

            Forget it Viet, it's Hockentown. - Russ

            Lord Hocken's gaze was that of the Green Horned Mindraper.


            • #21
              Were you going to be drafted? Did you have a choice between the Army and jail?
              Touch it. Touch my fuzziness! It's like petting a kitten!
              Now drop the pants and take the bacon!


              • #22
                I actually dreamed of going to military school as a kid. (all the cool movies when we grew up had some badass kid in military school) I seriously considered a military academy for college...honestly I'm happy I steered clear of that shit. Although there's times that make me wonder what it would be like to enlist...losing my wife and kids wouldn't be worth it...
                Instagram: thepatronsaintofcheeseburgers


                • #23
                  My dad was on of those "HOOAH! Military types". Was involved in all kinds of ops and shit before he knocked up my ma. He always wanted my brother and I to go into the service and as a kid I totally was going to. Then I slowly wised up and realized that there was no way in fuck I was going to go in. Then I was properly diagnosed with Asthma, and back in the day you couldn't get in with that condition. HE even said he'd pull some strings to get me in. Nope. Fuck that. Then my brother (who was kind of close to going in) met his wife and decided against it. I think my dad thinks we are commie pinkos. Haha. Thanks for smoking when I was in the womb ma!
                  "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                  "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                  • #24
                    I was in the asthma club back in Junior High. I got to go to lunch early. But nowadays, my asthma is long gone!
                    Blog Time!

                    Reporter: "Is Ringo Starr the best drummer in the world?"
                    John Lennon: "Ringo isn't even the best drummer in The Beatles."

                    Forget it Viet, it's Hockentown. - Russ

                    Lord Hocken's gaze was that of the Green Horned Mindraper.


                    • #25
                      So...I watched the first two episodes. I like the show, seems cool, also seems a bit over the top...

                      Here are my queries:
                      1. Why does Hollywood always make soldiers and military types so good looking. Seriously there has got to be a lot of ugly mother fuckers in the Corps...the gunny and Capt. America are probably the two ugliest fuckers on the show...

                      2. I understand what they are trying to do with the show, but why make the idiots of the show seem reasonable? If they want to show how ignorant or wild these guys are, show it. Don't make them lovable jackasses...
                      Instagram: thepatronsaintofcheeseburgers


                      • #26
                        As for querie numero uno, excatly... WTF! I just watched Gone Baby Gone over the weekend and loved the cast.... some ugly fools there!
                        "Can't really bench press anything when you're sporting less than an inch, it's common with Asian males... FUCK!" ~ nerdious

                        "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson

                        Recipient of "The Best Post of the Day Award" : 1


                        • #27
                          I just can't care about this show. Watched 3 episodes and it fucking bores me. Which is a shame. But to each his own.
                          "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

                          "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson


                          • #28
                            Haven't got to episode 3 yet...hope it doesn't get worse...
                            Instagram: thepatronsaintofcheeseburgers


                            • #29
                              I didn't think we had actually made it to the third... it just feels that way.
                              If I were Shé, do you think I'd be operating a taco truck? Shé brings hope. Shé rights the wrongs. Unfortunately, Shé is a myth.


                              • #30
                                The episodes are fucking long, which kinda of the characters looks like LaBeef...
                                Instagram: thepatronsaintofcheeseburgers

