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  • Unstable first season - Netflix. I mean, once I got past the thing I was almost ready to bail because of, this is a pretty fucking funny show. The casting is great as pretty much every character is hilarious. Rob Lowe's kid is so creepy looking. It's like Rob and Tom Holland fucked and had a kid. If anything, he gets the short stick as the being the "straight man" to everyone else's over the top ridiculousness. Plus these eps are like 21-24 mins which is perfect right now.

    The Umbrella Academy Final Season - It's over, I was happy with how it ended overall, and they could have kept it going as most shows do but they decided not to which was a good thing.

    Lady in the Lake - This show is fantastic but not one I can binge. Once a week is good for me. Natalie Portman is killing it and I dig seeing Avon Barksdale playing a 1950's version of Avon Barksdale. Good stuff. Apple +.

    "Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG

    "Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson

