I've been ever inching towards ditching my iPhone, and if it wasn't for the incredible reach the App Store has I would have. This is bullshit. Jobs is pissed that he got scooped and got the cops to ignore Cali law in regards to the warrant. BULLLLLLSHIT.
No announcement yet.
New iPhone, Fuck Yeah.
Oh, I'll take a free one any day (I'm not stupid). I'll never give a dime to his business though (if I can help it).We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves.
Whether or not the search was illegal is going to be a huge argument. I don't think it's as cut-and-dried as the Gawker lawyer thinks. No where in that code section is "blog" listed. IS a blog considered a "press association or wire service"?
I'm not saying I agree with the 5-0 on this one. On the contrary, I think Jobs needs to sack up and deal with new breaking before he wanted. I'm also not entirely sure what kind of felony could have been committed. The purchasing of lost property? Also, since BALCO the 9th Circuit is an asshole when it comes to seizing computer stuff. I think the po-lice still have an uphill battle ahead of them on this. Gonna be an interesting story.
Haha, yeah. But I like it as I can quickly turn it on, hit the boards up/facebook and turn it back off in less than a minute. But again, if I had an iPhone I'm sure I wouldn't be as amazed. But last night when working on some drawings for the HOCKEN SAGA it was great to be able to lounge on the couch, have my sketch pad out and have the ipad all on my lap to take notes."Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG
"Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson
Jon Stewart was on fire last night on TDS about the Apple raid. Freaking hilarious - I'm normally blocked on all things video here at the office, but it's bound to be up online by now.
EDIT: Can't see the video, but here's a link, plus some of the transcript:
http://news.softpedia.com/news/Jon-S...w-140888.shtmlLast edited by Lisa; 04-29-2010, 09:14 AM.2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.