Finally decided to give my Samsung Focus another run after numerous issues with my Atrix. Absolutely abysmal call quality, nobody ever understood me and it made making any kind of important calls impossible. Constant app crashing. Constant slow down even though its dual core and should be fast as hell. Then the terrible news about Android phones getting that fucking Carrier IQ spyware implanted on the carrier level. Finally the shit battery conked out yesterday in the afternoon when we had a ton of shit going on and Brittany needed to be able to get hold of me.
So I updated to WP7.5 and only have one real problem right now with Windows Phone. My Gmail account is oddly synced. I have one email in my inbox and it shows like 47 "conversations" on my phone inline. No indication of which email is the one actually in my box. Hoping when I archive it it will change that on future back and forth.
Otherwise, don't see how I go back to Android. This update to Windows Phone is really nice, and I'm not missing much except some games that I don't really ever use anyway. I found two solid Twitter apps (Birdsong and Rowi) that make up for lack of Tweetdeck. And it has absolutely the best touch keyboard of any smartphone or typing app.
With the Samsung Focus S out, I really think anyone looking at a new phone should look at Windows Phone before Android. All the tech sites have been right when saying they think WP is a better OS with the 7.5 update.
THIS is why everyone should get an iPhone. So user friendly, I just love mine! No funkiness, no dropped calls, no weird stuff with my mail or contacts, etc. Just a good all around little phone.
2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.
The iPhone is fine, but I honestly don't think it compares to the UI and many things that the Windows Phones do. The keyboard is terrible in comparison to WP, and the way WP handles your contacts and links all your accounts together is just incredible. The one thing iPhone excels at, and is the one thing that has me thinking iPhone when the next one comes out is the app support. iPhone just kills it on 3rd party software.
I stand by my iPhone being the best "my first smartphone" option, but my opinion on the second choice is no longer Android (unless maybe it is one of the Nexus line).
since I got my new iPad 4 at work I've decided that I'm going to be joining the darkside and going with the iPhone 5. Yeah, I know that the 5s or whatever is comoing out in fall, but my current phone is a piece of shit and I need one prior to Vegas. And with the new OS that's coming out, Apple is finally listening to people that have always used the "UI IS BETTER ON DROID/WINDOWS" opinion (I was one of them) as they took alot of things from those two.
So yeah, I'm excited to finally get a new phone this weekend that actually works. My Droid X (was decent for a while) but lately it's been a huge piece of crap.
"Looking like Nic Cage dressed in Kurt Cobain's closet. I mean that as a compliment" - BillyG
"Too cunty for wine bars, too dainty for real bars." - Anderson
Love my iPhone 5, but for some reason I don't get all my notifications for texts. It's only texts that do it too. I will check my phone and I will have 3 missed texts randomly.