And this is from someone who drinks Boddington's...
Did I ever claim to be a hardass? Plus every Aussie will tell you you'd look like a tool drinking Fosters. Hell, I couldn't even find that shit in Sydney.
"Everything is amazing right now and no one is happy" - Louis C.K.
I do love the fact that, in Hockey, the Habs aren't the greatest team ever... they're the greatest franchise ever.
Cheers, Martin! They're added to the list of must-see's which Slap Shot currently sits atop of.
This got me pondering a list of football must-see's. Ultimately, I just want to take this opportunity to dissuade people from seeing Green Street.
Slap Shot isn't good at all. Except in Quebecois (the dubbing was done here, a rarity at the time). Then the movie's hilarious because it deviates from the scripts A LOT. In it's original version, it's worse than The Mighty Ducks...
Looking toward the future and how the WC has now set me up as a lifelong fan of the sport (yes, even before the 16 spots are finalized)/I am an American dolt without much in the way of a team to root for in the Champion's League.
I wouldn't dare to pick something without understanding the history of the team, but would someone from across the pond give a Yank some perspective?
I want Bobby to explain how does a team find you exactly? I've got nothing since I never followed sports and would most likely be eyefucking from the stands.
Meanwhile, George Patton will be attending the Algeria v. USA match in spirit.
"Everything is amazing right now and no one is happy" - Louis C.K.