Hey Bryan, which do you prefer? A slugfest or a pitcher's duel? Me? A slugfest. Pitcher's duels tend to make me sleepy. I want to see some balls in the air.
We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves.
Hey Bryan, which do you prefer? A slugfest or a pitcher's duel? Me? A slugfest. Pitcher's duels tend to make me sleepy. I want to see some balls in the air.
....wait for it.....
...wait for it...
..wait for it..
I bet you wanna see some balls in the air....during a slugfest....
Personally, I like high scoring games when there aren't two talented pitchers going. Yesterday was a perfect example, watching Price and Sabbathia duel was pretty great. The best is when the Yankees are blanking the other team and they are blasting. (take it how you want to)
I want to sincerely congratulate Lesley. Kudos on the Twinkies winning the AL Central, If anything should happen to the Yanks I will be rooting for you.
Hhaha, awww thanks! This is the 6 straight season, but the first time that we one by over 1 game - usually it comes down right to the end. Fuck you Chicago White Sox.
If I were Shé, do you think I'd be operating a taco truck? Shé brings hope. Shé rights the wrongs. Unfortunately, Shé is a myth.