So this weekend Lesley and I decided to go to the "rich part of the cities" to see Iron Man. So after spending 20 bucks for 2 tickets along with 15 for a popcorn and soda we take a seat in the theater. I then had to go take a piss. I walk into the bathroom and notice "gold faucets" and silently laugh to myself. I do my deed and then wash my hands. That's when I notice THE DYSON AIR BLADE. It is truly awesome. I rush back to my seat giddy with excitement. "Hey babe, guess what I just used? THE MOTHERFUCKING AIR BLADE!" she then rushes off to use them.
Now before you think we are some backwoods hicks, this has been a running joke to us ever since we saw Mr. Douchebag Dyson hawking these things on TV. WE've never seen them in public...ever. So when we finally did, we had to use them. And you know what? They fucking rock. My hands had never been dryer. MAybe that's why tickets are so expensive at that theater. To pay for this 21 century technology.
Now before you think we are some backwoods hicks, this has been a running joke to us ever since we saw Mr. Douchebag Dyson hawking these things on TV. WE've never seen them in public...ever. So when we finally did, we had to use them. And you know what? They fucking rock. My hands had never been dryer. MAybe that's why tickets are so expensive at that theater. To pay for this 21 century technology.