I've purchased all the novels (since Disney bought Lucasfilm) so I'll be getting this for sure. I'm gonna need to try to finish the current one I'm reading ASAP since Bloodline comes out next Tuesday.
They had better have a solid plan for him and Rey. None of that flimsy Lucas shit (Darth Plagueis, Dooku telling Kenobi a sith lord was running shit, the story behind the clone creation). I want answers, dammit!
Here's some interesting facts that have come from the novel Star Wars: Bloodlines (I'm more than halfway finished reading it):
It takes 20 years after ROTJ
The Empire is gone. Done. Nothing remains
The New Republic is split into two factions; the Centrists (planets should take care of themselves) and the Populists (the Republic should assist planets). Leia is a Populist
Han trains pilots to compete in a race called the Five Sabers. Him and Leia are together, but haven't seen each other in a while
Chewie is back at his home doing Wookie things
Leia hasn't spoken to Ben or Luke in a bit. They are off training with no access to communication it seems
Leia is done with politics, but gets sucked in to one last investigation that leads her to a new crime boss, which leads to the revelation of a very large militia forming in the Outer Rim (I'm going to take a guess and say this is the First Order)
The Niktos (remember most of the dudes on Jabba's sail barge?) have given Leia the title "Huttslayer" since they discovered a holocam of her strangling Jabba. They hated the hutts and see her as a hero
The New Republic doesn't have a figure head since Mon Mothma stepped down. They are now looking to elect a "First Senator". The Populists want Leia to run.
The truth behind Leia being the daughter of Vader has not been revealed to anyone other than a handful of people. It's completely unknown to the galaxy until a Centrist senator discovers a recording made by Bail Organa intended for Leia telling her Vader is her father
While the book is very heavy with politics, it fairly interested for the most part. I'm really digging it.
Just read some more last night and the bomb was dropped; at the ceremony to declare Leia as the Populist candidate for First Senator, the recording of Bail telling Leia that Vader is her father was revealed. At this point in time only Han, Luke and Leia know this (possibly Chewie too, Leia isn't even sure). She hasn't even told Ben yet!
Needless to say, any chances of her becoming First Senator are gone as every ally she had in the Republic just turned their backs to her, for the most part.
And that militia forming in the outer rim? It's a group called the Amaxine Warriors that are planing to attack the New Republic paving the way for the galactic takeover of...the First Order.