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Iggy Horror Thread V: Great Moments (or Ideas) in Bad Films

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  • Iggy Horror Thread V: Great Moments (or Ideas) in Bad Films

    This is a slight departure from my usual thread format, in that it doesn't necessarily discuss a philosophical underpinning of horror fiction. Instead, it's more of a good old fashoned discussion thread.

    I don't know why, but the other day while I was driving home, I started thinking about "The Fly II" (the modern, 80's remake, not the VIncent Price 1960's version). Specifically, I was thinking about the scene where the Son of Brundle discovers his beloved Golden Retriever companion has been used as an experimental test animal in an attempt to get his father's teleporters working again. The pitiful thing pulls itself from its cave into the light for callous onlookers to observe. It drags its hideously deformed body to the meagre rations the cruel industrialist exploiting it & Son of Brundle, and throws its head back and howls in pain and despair. Such an effective scene, on so many levels. It's got shock value, because we kind of know what happened to the baboons Seth sent thru the pods in the first film, but we aren't sure exacxtly what we're going to see here. A slow, suspense building reveal, and the result is rather disgusting, so it works from a gore standpoint as well. Cringe worthy, because we can't help but empathize and imagine what being in such a state must FEEL like. And sad, hitting all the sympathy buttons because it's a lovely Golden Retriever dog we're to imagine in this state. I once read a quote from Stephen KIng (I think) who said if you want to lose an audience's sympathy with you as an author or film maker, kill a dog or a kid. I don't think the film maker's choice to do harm to the dog completely loses the audience, but it certainly pushes their buttons and gets a strong emotional reaction. Of course, the scenes where Stoltz euthanizes the deformed dog, and the end where Wealthy Indistrialist Scumbag ends up in the Pit of Exploitation being gawked at, now himself hideously deformed, are paler echoes of that original scene's impact. But on the whole, it was a pretty poor film overall. Nowhere near as good as its predecessor.

    As for good ideas, there was a film called "Meat Market", which posited a zombie outbreak in the usual manner. The twist was that our human survivor protagonists run into a group of vampires (hot lesbian vampires) that are none too happy with the zombies themselves, because they're eating the food supply. The humans find themselves in an uneasy alliance with the vamps, trying to unravel the reasons behind the outbreak, and see about ending it. This was a really badly made film, acting & effects wise (I mean, a head shot was depicted by an actor pointing a gun at a zombie's head, the camera panning past the zombie's head, and someone throwing cranberry juice against the wall). But the strength of the idea was such that it inspired an equally bad sequel, "Meat Market II". I said in an old thread on Ye Olde Other Site long ago that this was one film I'd actually LIKE to see remade, because the idea was so damned good, and the flaws probably easily cured.

    Someone at Ye Olde Other Site, I think it was Greg David, said that as horror fans we're kind of like the parents of retarded children. We're so accustomed to our films & books just sucking so bd that when one actually has even the slightest nugget of goodness in it, we gush just as the parent gushes over their kid getting even the slightest thing right. We tend to love movies that are undeserving of that love, based sometimes on ONE GOOD SCENE or ONE GOOD IDEA, no matter how much else of the film is dreck, or how poorly executed the greatest of ideas is.

    List some examples here, and maybe expand on why the scene or idea is worthy and the rest of the film isn't.
    I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.

    2012 Avatar Theme: Jan-Red Borg. Feb-Red Borg, Mar-Red Borg, Apr-Red Borg, May-Red Borg. Jun-Red Borg. Jul-Red Borg. Aug-Red Borg. Sep-Red Borg. Oct-Red Borg. Nov-Red Borg. Dec-Red Borg.

  • #2
    SciFi/Horror: 'Alien Resurrection'. It's a completely dogshit movie for most of its runtime, but it does have 2 noteworthy moments in it:
    1. The Aliens escaping from the pod. Two of them turn on the third and rip it apart so that the acid will disolve the pod that they are in, allowing them to wreak havoc for the rest of the film. It's one of those 'that was unexpected' moments that, for a moment, gives hope to the rest of the film.
    2. Ripley encountering clones 1-7. Gory and unsettling with some genuinely GREAT acting from Sigourney Weaver.
    Originally posted by Martin
    Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
    Originally posted by gravedigger
    Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
    Originally posted by Martin
    And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
    Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


    • #3
      Deadly Friend - Yeah, not the greatest "using science to bring back the hot girl from the dead" flick, nor one of Wes Craven's shining cinematic moments. Ah, but it did give us this...

      "Holy shit, d'you see that fuckin' head come apart, man?"

      Seriously, that scene and that scene alone gave everyone who saw it the first time a spit-take, and ratcheted the film just above mediocrity. It also blows out the rest of the movie from one's memory; the film itself is the usual '80's horror dreck that was churned out on a regular basis (see Chopping Mall, Driller Killer, etc.), often winding up in the local video store a couple of months later, yet hewed very close to some themes found in Re-Animator. Although, to be fair, it would inspire themes in the later Bride of Re-Animator and Return of the Living Dead III, which would, arguably, pull off the "using science to bring back the hot girl from the dead" theme better (though with both those films, as well as the similarly themed Frankenhooker, that ain't saying much).

      But that scene of Anne Ramsey meets Spalding would become a defining moment for horror effects. Just like Anthony Perkins' Norman Bbates slamming the shovel into the back of Ms. Spool's head in Psycho II, the editing and special effects are so fluid and graceful in that scene that it's not quite so easy to see where the cut/jump is during the sequence (much easier to see in the .gif above, however, I grant you, but that's thanks to today's technology, folks! Bit harder to do that with the 'ol VHS copy back in the day). Plus, great comeuppance for Anne Ramsey's bitchy neighbor character at the end of a robotized, pre-Buffy Kristy Swanson.
      Last edited by Timothy225; 12-30-2010, 12:11 PM.


      • #4
        I literally can't stop watching that gif. It's hypnotic in its awesomeness.
        Originally posted by Martin
        Who the fuck is Kellan Lutz?
        Originally posted by gravedigger
        Basically what I'm saying is that, based on what I've watched so far, we should all listen to Matt more often.
        Originally posted by Martin
        And who the FUCK is Peaches Geldof?
        Kellan Lutz's girlfriend?


        • #5
          Well. THIS thread went over well. Seriously: no one else has a "WOW!" moment from an otherwise piss poor horror movie they can remember?
          I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.

          2012 Avatar Theme: Jan-Red Borg. Feb-Red Borg, Mar-Red Borg, Apr-Red Borg, May-Red Borg. Jun-Red Borg. Jul-Red Borg. Aug-Red Borg. Sep-Red Borg. Oct-Red Borg. Nov-Red Borg. Dec-Red Borg.


          • #6
            Let's see...

            Alien Vs. Predator Requiem: OK, some like this one, but I was unimpressed. Mainly because the damn film was shot so poorly in the dark that I'd be hard pressed to tell you exactly what was going on up on the screen. Anywho, the scene where the young pizza boy's would-be girlfriend was taken out by the Predator was a bit of a surprise, as usually her type of character would've been a lock to survive to the end of the film. Also, the scene with the alien in the maternity ward was pretty creepy, too. A couple of ballsy ideas from an otherwise lackluster pic.

            The Final Destination: Look, none of the Final Destination flicks can be accused of being high art or magnificent story-wise, although I'll give the first one a pass as it's the start of the franchise, but even the least of these flicks (the most recent one) has a couple of really great death scenes that guarantee a "WTF did I just see" reaction. As, IMO, The Final Destination was the weakest of the series all around, I do have to give it up for the opening culling of the cast during the raceway meltdown before the credits. After that, the film is pretty much puttering along until the next kill (I found the death of the racist tow truck dude the weakest of the kills in the film, personally), and has pretty much worn out it's welcome by the time the end credits start.

            More later!
            Last edited by Timothy225; 01-02-2011, 11:25 AM.


            • #7
              Totally agreed on all counts.
              I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.

              2012 Avatar Theme: Jan-Red Borg. Feb-Red Borg, Mar-Red Borg, Apr-Red Borg, May-Red Borg. Jun-Red Borg. Jul-Red Borg. Aug-Red Borg. Sep-Red Borg. Oct-Red Borg. Nov-Red Borg. Dec-Red Borg.


              • #8
                I watched Species the other day (yeah, yeah, I know... but it's been awhile, y'know?), and that flick had me thinking of the somewhat superior Species 2. That really isn't saying much, as comparing both flicks is akin to comparing two turds, except Species 2 has that extra bit of corn in it. Case in point - when the infected astronaut has his way with the two sisters: He finishes with one of 'em, she gets up to go to the bathroom to clean up, while tagging her sister in for the next go 'round. While he's taking the baloney pony to Tuna Town, the first sister starts violently giving birth to the guy's alien hybrid spawn in the loo, just as he's climaxing and mutating while plowing the sister, freaking her out/getting her preggers/killing her. Truly gruesome (although I felt the birth effect was ruined by the perfect cross opening formed on the first sister's belly) and a pretty slick idea in concept - giving birth while emphatically killing the host, which is nothing new for sci-fi/horror, but this scene had an extra bit of "oomph" to it. Too bad the rest of the movie (indeed the entire Species series) wasn't up to snuff.


                • #9
                  Tim's latest submission to this thread has me rethinking my "never watch a Species sequel" plan.
                  "The bear is a solitary animal. They like their space. They live in a magic circle. They don't mind if you're, like, a mile away. But if you get inside their circle, they will maul you." - Anonymous


                  • #10
                    Trust me, Bobby, it ain't worth it. If you must, just fast forward to that scene, as well as the shots of naked Henstridge, and all will be well.

                    Geez, that whole series -


                    • #11
                      Thanks for the words of warning, Tim. I'll hold off, unless I see it pop up on Zone Horror some time.
                      "The bear is a solitary animal. They like their space. They live in a magic circle. They don't mind if you're, like, a mile away. But if you get inside their circle, they will maul you." - Anonymous


                      • #12
                        You're telling me that the European continent cannot get access to Mr. Skin?
                        "Everything is amazing right now and no one is happy" - Louis C.K.


                        • #13
                          Wrong Turn 2 - loved the idea of doing a Survivor-esque TV show while a clan of cannibals stalks and kills the contestants. Some very decent kills, although the characters quickly fell into the standard "asshole guy, spoiled bitch, angry girl, etc." stereotypes, and the film itself betrayed a "Made for DVD" aesthetic. Ah, but it also has Rollins!


                          • #14
                            I remember a film, I THINK the name was "The Ghouls", about a muckraker expoitation photojournalist that gets put on the trail of some disappearing/murdered homeless people, & ends up discovering that they're being picked off clandestinely by a gang of semi intelligent zombies that live under the streets of LA. Great idea, but poor acting & effects make this look every bit the low budget film it is. LOVE to see it remade.

                            Also, the movie CHUD had a cool moment (as opposed to the website, which is now an unmitigated disaster), at the very end when the CHUDs come up and surround the diner full of patrons after their lair is destroyed by the gas explosion. That one guy running away, looking over his shoulder in terror? Probably the best acted sequence in the entire film. And the idea of a platoon of monsters (more than the shitty costumed reality, to be sure) surrounding people as they scream, knowing what's coming to them is pretty fucking cool.
                            I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.

                            2012 Avatar Theme: Jan-Red Borg. Feb-Red Borg, Mar-Red Borg, Apr-Red Borg, May-Red Borg. Jun-Red Borg. Jul-Red Borg. Aug-Red Borg. Sep-Red Borg. Oct-Red Borg. Nov-Red Borg. Dec-Red Borg.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by IggytheBorg View Post
                              Someone at Ye Olde Other Site, I think it was Greg David, said that as horror fans we're kind of like the parents of retarded children. We're so accustomed to our films & books just sucking so bd that when one actually has even the slightest nugget of goodness in it, we gush just as the parent gushes over their kid getting even the slightest thing right. We tend to love movies that are undeserving of that love, based sometimes on ONE GOOD SCENE or ONE GOOD IDEA, no matter how much else of the film is dreck, or how poorly executed the greatest of ideas is.
                              Just to try & squeeze one last gasp out of this thread, what are peoples' feelings on the above quoted idea? Did Greg (or whoever posted it) hit the nail on the head? Do you agree w/ him that we're way too forgiving?

                              Further, IIRC he posited a boycott of bad horror films, as an incentive to try & force moviemakers to make some GOOD ones for a change. My position on this last was that, assuming you could get enough fans on board to make it a worthwhile gesture (which is in & of itself doubtful), I don't think I could do it. I couldn't go without my horror fix long enough to make the protest meaningful.

                              That having been said, I peruse the On Demand menus on my cable service every so often, and the horror/sci fi section is just filled w/ direct to DVD shit. I mean SHIT. I don't think I've heard of a single movie on this list for MONTHS. I don't particularly feel like wasting time & money on what will surely be a big steaming pile. I know there's been a healthy DTV market, particularly for horror fiction, for years. But why are there NO theatrical horror releases coming down the pike? Did I miss something?

                              If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say the studios figure everyone's so scared with the state of the economy being what it is, not enough people will spend money to be scared by a horror movie. Thus, budgets will be created elsewhere for other projects on the studios' agendas. DTV still gets made because it's generally way cheaper, and there'll ALWAYS be a hard core horror fan base that will hand over a few shekels to watch even bad horror. The parents of the retarded children, in other words. I guess there's hope for me yet, since I am so far unwilling to join them in this.

                              I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking.

                              2012 Avatar Theme: Jan-Red Borg. Feb-Red Borg, Mar-Red Borg, Apr-Red Borg, May-Red Borg. Jun-Red Borg. Jul-Red Borg. Aug-Red Borg. Sep-Red Borg. Oct-Red Borg. Nov-Red Borg. Dec-Red Borg.

