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Sober To Stupid In X

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  • #46
    Ended up pretty retarded on Friday. Not doing that again. It was about the time that I got halfway through the second 12oz glass of Jameson's and the first beer that it dawned on me that I was already on the road to making a huge mistake. I'm also pretty hard for two women to carry. Jesus christ.
    "Here, young man, your hormones are raging. Let's go in this bedroom, and we'll engage in some homosexual acts. You'll find you like it." - Rep. Ken Peterson, R-Billings

    "You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one." - Don Draper



    • #47
      My best stories are either completely sober aka*Road Rage with Roger Clemens' brother* or on LSD aka*How the hell did I get to Beaumont and I had no idea that Dark side of the Moon was such a short album*
      "Fuck Rob. Also, he has a podcast called Podcaust. Edgy Holocaust humor lulz indeed." - The Faraci


      • #48
        Worst experience of all time is why I won't ever drink Red Bull again.

        Met my aforementioned friend after work for her 21st birthday. We started at a bar downtown where she talked me into a Washington Apple after my beer.
        Then moved to a bar about 5 blocks from my parents house and basically on the U of Dayton campus. This place is a complete shit hole. To quote my mom "Man, Timothy's was a dive when I was in college!" I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the fucking floor collapsed someday soon.
        Anyway, had a beer there and danced bit before my friend convinced me to do a vodka and red bull before we got the hell out of there(seriously, the floor was sagging in places and freaking us out).
        From there we moved up the street to BW3s where we had a couple more beers and decided it was probably time to go home(I'm a lightweight and she had been drinking before I met up with her). "Hang on, I have to go to the bathroom" she says. About five minutes later, I'm still standing by the bathroom door and the natives are getting restless. "Uh, is your friend ok?" asks one girl, "Shhhhhheeeessss fine," I slur. I finally pound on the door enough to wake her up or whatever and off we go(leaving my card at the bar, whoops).
        We walk the 5 blocks to my parents house, where she collapses on the bed and I immediately stumble to the bathroom. I spent the next 4-5 hours shaking uncontrollably on bathroom floor (but not throwing up) while she alternately snored and apologized to me.

        Long story short? FUCK. RED. BULL.
        Mortal Sin is a registered trademark of the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church. Hallelujah. ~Iggy


        • #49
          Wow, that sounds bad! Feel better, Ingrid!
          2012 Avatar Theme - LADIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD. January: Ava Gardner.

          INSTANT HAPPINESS - just click!

